Will you marry me?

Selene POV

"Thank you, Lucius," I said with a quiet as I collected the girls from him.

I could feel his ardent gaze on my body, but I avoided looking at him. I wasn't in the mood to talk about how I felt. 

"Are you alright?" he murmured under his breath, looking at the girls. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine, Lucius," I gave him another bright smile. "I'm just trying to pack. We're leaving with Noah at first light tomorrow,". 

"You're leaving?" Lucius's eyes widened with surprise. "Why? You only just got here and…" he trailed off when he saw the girls staring at him eagerly. 

"They know, Lucius," I sighed. "They know Xavier is their father, but I've realized this is not where I want to be. What if he changes and goes back to who he used to be?".

"He's a changed person now, Selene. I swear on everything I hold dear and he's already getting attracted to you. It's a good sign if you ask me,".