You and the girls...

Selene POV

I reached out for Maeve again, but she pressed closer to Xavier tightening her hand around his neck. 

"Maeve, come to me this instance," I said angrily, trying to remove her from Xavier's grip. 

"No!" she screamed "I don't want to come with you,". 

"Maeve," my tone went a touch higher "I am not in the mood to do this with you. Come with me this instant,". 

"Let the girl be, Selene," Xavier said quietly "We should be talking about how to settle all of these now. A lot of things have happened no doubt and now that we've met each other, we should be together as family,". 

"In your dreams, Xavier," I laughed "You think we're ever going to be as family? Have you forgotten that I am engaged to be married to someone else? Besides you think after hurting me, that I'll just walk into your arms, just like that? What do you take me for?"

"Selene, I…" he started to say.