Destined with each other...

"What do you mean?" I stared at Lucius with confusion "What ill could they possibly bear against three-year-olds and me?"

"I have no idea, Selene," he sighed "But I'm inquiring. And I'll keep you and the girls …" he winced and clutched at his chest, stumbling to the sofa in the room. 

I rushed to him immediately, dragging my drip stand with me "Are you alright?" I asked placing my hand on his forehead. 

He was burning up and his eyes were slowly turning green, a sign of exhaustion and that he was sick. 

"You're not fine, Xavier," I rose to my feet immediately, limping to the door "I'll go get the doctors or something you need to be admitted,". 

"No," he reached out to stop me immediately "No medical whatever can fix this. I just need my shot of mugwort and I'll feel better," he gasped, still clutching at his chest,". 

I froze and turned back to face him "You take mugwort shots too?" I asked.