The one who's not family...

Selene POV

I left the tent and went straight to Noah who was sprawled in the makeshift hospital. His hands were thrown over his face careless and he seemed to be fast asleep. Quietly, I settled myself beside him, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear… he looked so peaceful as he slept. 

A few hours ago, was chaotic and I knew that if I kept staying with Xavier, we would keep being in trouble. Yes, I didn't love Noah… but these things take time, don't they? I've loved only one man my entire life… so I wasn't an expert in this field but I was willing to give love a chance with Noah. 

I would love him... and cherish him, and let him mark me. This time, I wasn't going to give in to the spoilt whims of the girls… They wouldn't understand the sacrifices I was making for them until they were older.