You're still mine...

Selene POV

"W-What do you mean by that?" I stuttered trying to hide the unease I felt. 

"Don't act dumb, Selene…someone like Noah, his first duty is to family before anything. Besides, you can't promise that he'll be any different. What will you do when he falls short of all your expectations? Leave him? Runaway like you did? What will you do?"

 "Anything other than running into your arms," I retorted holding his gaze "At the beginning of this conversation, I thought you were onto something meaningful but it turns out to be as empty as you are. If you intend to create a divide between…". 

"But there's already a divide, Selene," Kurtis laughed wildly, amusement dancing in his eyes "And you know whose fault it is? Yours! From the moment you agreed to become Noah's wife…you already created a rift between an uncle and his nephew. When you eventually get pregnant for him… it'll be worse… The Steele family will never forgive you,".