Amber-eyed man...

Noah POV

I cradled Selene in my arms, pressing her to my chest as I inhaled the deep, rich scents from her hair feeling a tranquil settle over me. After everything that has happened this week, holding my mate like this was the only therapy I needed, even if it was just for a short while. 

As we stood cradled in each other's arms and a world of our own, a sharp rapping at my door, made Selene jump with fear and made me tense while I turned to the door, wondering what was so important so early in the morning that I was already getting visitors. 

"Are you expecting someone?" Selene asked leaning further away from me as she eyed the door with apprehension. Shaking my head silently, I pressed a kiss on her brow, gently extracted myself from our embrace and went over to the door.