The King's brother...

Noah POV

"Y-You're King Tanner's brother?" my brows shot up with disbelief as I stared at the man who was the complete opposite of the Tanner I know. 

He let out an easy laugh and nodded "I swear to the moon, I am Tanner's brother. We have the same mother and the same father. I think I look more like my mother," he reached for the folds in his pocket and brings out a black and white picture which he raises to my eye level. 

It was a picture of a slender, beautiful woman with eyes that resembled Conrad's'. In the picture, she was sitting on a high stool, with a 4-year-old Tanner from my guess and a toddler that looked like Tanner. On the picture was inscribed a date and time the picture was taken. I looked up from the picture meeting Conrad's gaze. This proves nothing. With the high rise of technology, especially with most packs leaning towards the human world to tap from it, anything was possible.