Was he sick?

Noah POV

A strained silence fell over the room as all three of us turned to Conrad in one swift motion. 

My heart thudded heavily in my chest as I studied his expression. I was expecting anything from him but this, announcing the death of his brother. We were hoping and banking on him keeping it a secret as one of the tools we could use to exploit him and bend him to our will, so to speak. But him coming out to confess, meant we had to change our plans. 

"I don't understand," I said with a morose expression "King Tanner is dead? Is that even possible, Conrad? Everyone knows are immortal so tell me how Tanner is dead except…" I trailed off as the realization hit me. 

Lycan were immortals no doubt but there was a way to make them ordinary. It was ancient and almost impossible but if it was Kurtis that killed him then it could only mean one thing. I shook my head to clear the thoughts as I faced Conrad again. 

"Was he sick?" I asked.