The complete truth...

Selene POV

My breath caught in my throat as Noah's question hung heavy in the air between us. I suddenly felt hot… it was as if the room was closing in on me, shaking my head to fight the sudden dizziness I felt I looked up to him trying to read his blank expression. 

"And don't bother to lie to me again, Selene. Just tell me the truth, no matter how difficult and heavy it may seem on your tongue. So, I'll ask again. You said the moon priestess died a month before we found you and there was no way you could have taken care of two babies giving your weak state. The question is, who helped you? Is that supposed to be something to mull over? It's a straightaway reply,"

He was right. The question was simple and the answer should be equally simple but I had to be careful with my reply. I didn't know what prompted him to ask me that question suddenly, the very reason why I should be more careful than ever.