Before the inevitable...

Selene POV

Smoothing my features into an inscrutable mask I strode into the visitor's waiting room. At the entrance of the room, I heard Reid's voice. He was laughing wildly at something Conrad may have said. When I opened the door, the laugh died down as four pairs of eyes stared at me. Then Reid's flickered with recognition as I stared at him pointedly. 

"Your majesty!" Reluctantly, he rose to his feet giving me a stiff bow "I've been here keeping our visitor company," he said. 

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Why was he telling me that? I didn't ask. "That's good to know," I said dryly "Alpha Noah was looking for you earlier. You might want to go and see him, he's in his office waiting for you,". 

Reid's eyes bored into mine with disbelief and for a moment, I thought he wouldn't leave but he mumbled an acknowledgement and promised Conrad that he'd be back before leaving the room.