But hurting him by marrying his uncle...

Selene POV

"Lucius!" I screamed in my heart relaxing visibly as our gaze met each other. The last time I saw him was at the hotel after he came to save me. Since then, I've either been too busy to ask about him or I didn't even remember he was here. Lucius was my best friend; he was the one who got me through the seven years I was married to Xavier. He was the reason why a portion of my mental health was preserved.

So, seeing him like this brought back fond memories. There was a time when I was so close to Lucius that the maids used to gossip that I was cheating with him behind Xavier's back. But it was all lying of course. For one, Lucius was a stickler for doing the right thing and he was a die-hard loyalist. Although he came from a lineage of Betas, I can doubtlessly say that Lucius would still maintain the same level of loyalty he had now even if he was a mere Omega.

He raised a finger to his lips, in a shushing gesture before releasing me.