Grand schemes...

Selene POV

The evenings came quickly.

My heart was skipping continuously. At the drop of a heart, a knock on the door, even footsteps. The pack house was thinning with people, the full dark moon was usually spent with family so by evening a lot of the servants had left. The ones hovering around either lived in the pack house or didn't have families.

The girls' nannies already left in the last two hours ago and I was left to tend to the girls. As stared at them as they continued to chatter amongst themselves on what color was best for their coloring book. They were tracing out a house and have been absorbed in it. I was worried, for the first time since the dark moon, I was worried that something more was going to happen. Occasionally, a picture of the dream from last night will flit into my memory. Something was wrong but I couldn't place my finger on it.