Will I die?

Noah POV

Brooke came towards me trembling, fluttering over me anxiously.

"Are you hurt? Did he get you? Should I get the pack doctor? Somebody fetches the doctor,".

Her frantic concern washed over me like a balm as it dawned on me that the gravity of what she'd done for me… for all of us, truly sank in. By Lycan law, killing another Lycan carries the heaviest punishment – unless adjudicated in rightful combat or trial. Worst still, Brooke was the daughter of a Pack Elder and she had just taken justice into her hands.

I pulled her into a fierce embrace, burying my face in her soft curls as a longing tremor ran through me. "You reckless, brave woman," I murmured hoarsely "What have you done? Why did you interfere? "