Loves you unconditionally and not just for a reason...

Selene POV

I could feel life slowly ebbing away from Xavier.

The girls were sitting beside him, their brows scrunched up in confusion as they watched tremors rack his body. Xavier was trying to put on a brave face for the children, I also noticed he was trying to keep his eyes wide open. My heart surged with pity as I stared at him again, I could not cheat on Noah. At least, if I should help Xavier in any form, it should be with his permission.

Especially, as I was far from the pack and possibly any sign of life. Occasionally, my gaze will sweep to the entrance of the house, I was looking out for Kragen hoping he would come before things get too late for Xavier. I continued pacing the floor, staring blankly at my phone. There was no signal to call there was no way I could go back on my own.