She makes decisions without consulting me,

Selene POV

I was on time on the second day of our session with Janet.

She had her leg on her desk and was talking to someone on the phone when I walked in. I saw the shocked expression on her face as she saw me. After murmuring over the phone to whomever she had been speaking to, she slowly brought her leg down from the table, looking flustered.

"You're on time, Selene," she commented hurrying up to clear the used cup and paper plates of food on her table "I wasn't expecting anyone until at least five minutes after nine. I guess you're eager to start today's session, right?"

"It's Luna Selene, Janet!" I corrected her calmly, refusing to sit. The table in front of the couch where I was supposed to sit was equally untidy. "And I am only five minutes on time. You said it yourself that you love to keep to time in everything you do, shouldn't you be glad that I am here?"