The new leader of our Coalition

Xavier POV

I watched my phone ring for the thousandth time today, it was my mom and she was getting on my nerves. Somehow, she got to know about the meeting with Noah yesterday and has been calling non-stop. It wasn't helping that Jared and the rest of the Alphas had already gone home and he was already laying ground rules without my presence already. I had to even send Lucius to go in my stead.

"You'll wear out the ground if you keep pacing like that and you're distracting me too," Kurtis sighed looking up from his laptop. "I'm trying to work here, could you stop being so obvious? Please…".

"I don't have time to deal with you right now, Kurtis," I said and continued pacing, I have to come up with a plan… or something… anything that would make Noah revoke his decisions. Making Jared as the leader of our Coalition was suicidal.