You cannot rush and let Selene know...

Xavier POV

My mom recoiled slightly at his words, some of the fire in her eyes dimmed as my dad continued in a softer tone.

"She's still the woman our son loves, although they're not together but she's the mother of his children and his one and only true mate. Also, she's your brother's wife… Noah will die if anything happens to her and you know that…" he sighed "So please, we gain nothing and only risk further damage by trying to punish her,".

For a fleeting moment, I felt my heart swell at my father's words and his defence of Selene's honor but my mom's next words turned the warmth into confusion instantly.

"Oh? Don't tell me you've softened up, Paul… Did you think about all of these grand words and philosophies when you were taking care of them years ago? Or since she's being passed around the family, perhaps you're hoping it will get to your turn and you can finally stick your thing inside of her,".