I think families with powers do the dirtiest of deeds...

Xavier POV

I think families with powers do the dirtiest of deeds.

Growing up as a child with special health conditions, I've seen my parents go beyond every definition of humanity to make sure I am well. Regardless of who was involved or to whose detriment I would be. The entitlement which we always felt when we took away the joy from people was something that I will never be able to understand.

I used to feel bad back then but my mom would always console me with the words "You're the heir to the throne, your life is more important than the lives of everyone in the pack,". At a point, I had grown with that mantra but in the early days that I met and married Selene, I realized that my life was as fickle as a candle's glow and that I had to depend on someone every day of my life to get through anything.