Did you know she killed Selene’s parents?

Xavier POV

"Then what are you?" Noah's eyes dimmed suspiciously as he regarded me "The issue with your pack could have been resolved at that level because it's your jurisdiction but you came from your pack to Moon Whisper to come do what?"

"To see my children," I replied. There was no need to try to drag out the truth "I and Selene were not exactly talking and the little time we did speak, it was always so brief. She didn't give me…".

"That's enough both of you," Selene interrupted me with a sigh "You speak as if I am not present. Hey… I am here okay… just because I've been with both of you, that doesn't give you to right to talk over me. You know what…" she rose to her feet "I'm going to take a walk because the longer I stay here listening to your nonsense, the more I contemplate shoving my fist in your faces,".