8 years ago...

Xavier POV

"Your mistress?" Jared's eyes widened with surprise followed by a short laugh "My bad man. I never would have guessed but I thought you got back with your mate or something,".

"No!" I shook my head giving him a measured smile "Belinda was the one who broke up my family. When I was still married to my mate, she was my mistress and after my mate left I was determined to marry her but somehow, we learnt of something shocking today and we must deal with it. Allowing her go would be disservice to me and my men,".

Cold beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he shifted his weight from one foot to another. He was trying to catch Belinda's eyes but her gaze was downwards and she didn't seem to want to look up at all.

"I can understand," he said "But what could she have done that is so grievous. Did she steal or anything?"