I allowed you to Bully me

Selene POV

The only thing I could think of right now was my bed and it wasn't 10am yet.

"Seems like you had a busy night?" Noah leaned over to whisper in my ears.

I jerked awake… I must have been dozing again. "Me? No!" I chuckled sounding lame when I saw him amused expression "I had a heavy breakfast, maybe,".

"Well, I don't know about others but those men are looking at me suspiciously. If you're already dozing by this time of the day, their mind is running wild with ideas. Should they worry that their King doesn't sleep enough because he's trying to…".

"Noah!" I chuckled, my face turning red "Don't be like that. What if someone can lip read what you're saying?"

"What!" he arched his brows "I bet they're jealous that their queen is getting laid every night and they're not,".