I am pregnant...

Selene POV

My heart was thumping wildly in my chest as I sat in my car waiting for Jones to show up. At that moment, I didn't know what to think, I didn't know if this was bait or if this was true. I needed to call someone.

My hands trembled as I reached for my phone. The first number I saw was Kurtis. Without hesitating, I dialled his number.

"Hello!" he said groggily "This better be good, Selene, I had a rough night and I intend to sleep in today,".

"It's Noah!" tears gathered in my eyes "He was in an accident and they won't let me see him. I met a man in front of the pack hospital who had his phone, he said he saw everything and that Noah's accident wasn't ordinary. I don't know what to believe…".

"Shit!" I heard Kurtis murmur as his voice became clearer "Where are you now?"

"A little while away from the hospital. I'm waiting for the man who has Noah's phone to bring it to me. He says he doesn't want anyone to see us and…".