Forced out the truth from Reid...

Selene POV

"You're pregnant?" Kurtis's eyes widened with shock and then he snorted "That's impossible unless Noah is not the father,".

"Don't be silly, Kurtis," I wrapped a hand around my body "I've not been with any man since I got married to Noah, he's my husband and I've been faithful you know. It's just that everything is so confusing. I was told that I would never be pregnant for another man who is not my fated mate but…".

"Selene, did you sleep with Xavier?" Kurtis stared at me with apprehension

"No!" I scoffed glaring at him "I am not stupid the problem is, I didn't even know about the baby, it was Kragen who told me and honestly I don't know what to do or make of this whole thing. A child is the last thing I need to worry about. A lot is going on already and now with Noah's accident, I don't know what to do or what his family has planned next. I'm scared,".