
Perfectly made

I woke up this morning without anybody besides me. Yet I am still on his king-sized bed and I know that he leaves and goes somewhere I don't know. I looked under the blanket and saw... I'm still naked and my Clothes? I don't know where!

I was about to stand up when In the center of my legs the pain Abruptly came making me Sit back on the edge of the bed.

It is only 3 in the morning, I wonder where he is now. I know that I am not a virgin anymore and that is because of him. And that nightmare is real. really. really. Unforgettable for me.

I wrapped my Body through the blanket and tried to find my Clothes.

Because of the only light that comes from the lamp on the side of the bed, I can't see anything but the only black and white themed bed.

I need to go now! I need to—but what about the money?? No!

"You're already awake, it is only three in the morning —"

"Where is the money? Where is your payment?" I cut his words. He continued walking through his coach while Smoking, and he didn't look at me. Still, Without a t-shirt, he then turns his feet toward me after putting down his cigarette on the ashtray.

"Oh, excited? How many is that? 1 hundred thousand dollars?" He asked while smirking

"Asshole! We have dealt One million dollars for the night!" I insisted while Glaring at him but he only chuckled.

"I said that the payment method would be based on your performance on the bed but it didn't make me satisfied, So...what now? I can only pay you One hundred bills based on your actions," he teased and looked at me playfully. He put back his cigarette in his mouth and created a halo-shaped white smoke.

"Achilles! We have dealt with it! I give you my everything and I gave you want! Please be true to your words, I badly need the money! " I mumbled.

I saw him approaching me once again. In his hand was his cigarette which creates smoke.

He stopped in front of me, while I was still wrapped by the Blanket and Sitting on the edge of the bed, he was shirtless and standing nearly inches from me.

"Yeah you give it, But we talked about performance and satisfaction not only the word give what I want. Remember that dollars aren't Simple to give especially if it is in millions, Solene." He said and stared at me.

Gradually he lowered his head and faced me. He even put his hand on both sides of my body cornering me to the bed.

I looked away and he started to stare at me deeply. My hands clenched more on the blanket that I am holding onto and his breaths touch my skin smelling of mint flavor.

My heart started again to jump out of control, he started to move closer making me Tilt my head as he was beginning to close.

"Please, Achilles... My mother needs it for her hospital bills..." I almost whisper.

His gray eyes smirked and his red lips smiled playfully. I am out of breath and I don't want him to see it. Why I have suddenly had difficulty breathing when he's near?

Maybe because he's freaking dangerous and I was just A pet or prey for him.

"Then... Make me..."

"A-Achilles...please..." I whined when he gave my nape a single kiss. His soft Muscle touches my skin giving me chills and at the same time pleasure. I didn't expect that I would prey on this tiger, never in my life, I'd imagined myself begging a monster like him.

"I will give you 3 hours to make me feel the satisfaction that I wanted since It is only 3 in the morning, Or else..."

"No! I already gave you my night! You already took my—"

"Virginity? Hmm?" He smirked. Talking like the virginity I have that he took was just a simple thing on this earth could have. He sat on the other side of the bed.

Touching his temple while staring at me. My hair has messed up. And I felt cold since the air conditioner in his room was open.

"I have taken so many things in girls like yours, so... It means it's just a... Hmm? Very simple?"

"How dare you talk to a girl like that huh?" I confronted him and he just looked at me.

"Hmm, maybe girls are a burden," he replied.

" a toy maybe," he added and he took his wine from the table and drank.

I was about to talk when his Cell Phone got vibrated and he immediately took it,

Placing his earpiece on his ear, he suddenly touched it and he began talking.

Still looking at me blankly, he put his finger in front of his lips saying I must be quiet while he was talking. Which I did.

Maybe he's the good-looking guy I've ever seen in my life but that doesn't make me forget that he was dangerous as hell, he kills, he lies, he tortures people, especially, He is a mafia lord that orders the city.

A lot of cases had been thrown at him for Almost more than ten cases and those were Brutal killing, drugs, and Human Trafficking. Which he did now to me. In my eyes, he's an angel, he was so perfect from head to toe and if you are not familiar with his name and history you will see him as a good one. But in my case, and my mother's case, he is a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

He groaned and looked at me. He even stepped up to reach me and put his fingers on my lips, where he aggressively bit them and almost bled. He pinched it causing me to take away his fingers because of the pain that I felt.

"Oh, man? Really? Ah..." He paused, I'm still clueless,

"Yeah...maybe I found someone perfect for that," he replied, and my heart throbbed. What someone is saying?

"Hmm yeah, She was perfect for that! I mean, Could I see her on there? Maybe I can get her," he continued saying looking at me. His devilish smile that gives me creep is still on his face. His messy black hair makes it even harder to find his gaze but the gray thing I see I'm sure is his glowing Eyes.

He placed his knee on my left side and made a single step to get close to me.

I tilted my head and he chuckles

"Yeah, Yeah, got a perfect chance! Yeah!! Sure!" He happily said. He then threw his earpiece into the corner of the bed and pushed my shoulder to make me lay on the bed.

I want to scream! I'm in Horror! Someone, please help me.

When he placed his Body above me, he grinned. Now the Light from the lamp reached his face and All I could tell is.

Why do the men who look like him made to be devils?

"I will give you the money you need," he started saying in front of my Lips, I could almost feel his hot breath on my Mouth. "But... In one condition," he added.

Fuck that condition! Whatever it is I'm sure that was one thing in hell could have!

"Come here After you pay the hospital or after your Mother has been discharged. On Friday, before night," he said.

He again makes my lips his own.

The hands on my Blanket also touched his hard chest, he aggressively touched my hair and gripped it as he kissed my lips forcefully, his warm tongues inserted in my mouth and playing. I was losing my breath feeling the bulk of his pants on my thighs. I can't move my body. I was freezing, he's a monster of my life!

"A...Achilles..." I mouthed when he parted our lips. He smiled at me tricking and didn't even make a chance for me to get enough oxygen when he kissed my neck.

"Shit... Solene, I'm so hungry for your delicate body," he mouthed in my ear breathtakingly. I cried, knowing that I had made the wrong decision again in my life.

I made my body be owned by Him, Just for the sake of money and to save my mother's life.

My father was right when he was His father's slave, always saying "Don't ever Make yourself be owned by one of them in your near future, or else, you will never see yourself free again if you do,"

But now I am here, whining while he is enjoying kissing my chest. Even if I screamed for help, no one could ever hear me and If someone can, I'm sure they will refuse to Help because of this devil.

He tightens his grip on my hair and forcefully takes away the blanket on my body. He kissed, licked, and tasted my Abdomen while his hand was now on my breast, massaging it.

"I'm sorry Pa," were the only words I could have said while Forcing my body not to move like he wanted but his lips made me crazy. I could tell you why.

He parted my legs and No doubt licked my Wet womanhood, he even inserted his tongue on it and twirled inside making my knees tremble and shake.

Suck, bite, lick, and taste, that is what he does on my Vagina. And make it his own. He sucked enjoyingly, not forcing but Gently making my body move the way he liked out of my control.

He placed his hands on my butt and pull it closer to him while hungrily eating me.

"A-Achilles, please stop," I pleaded, but he ignored it. He slaps my butt cheeks many times and massages them.

And make his mouth harder to my womanhood. I gripped his hair and even moaned. Even if I don't want to, My mouth can do things it wants to if it makes my body feel extremely extra.

He stopped and faced me, merrily. But in his smiles, the devil appeared. He placed his hand on my cheek and put the hair that fell on my face behind my ears. My eyes were teary, And he even wiped the tears Using his thumb.

"Kneel, baby," he said. While smiling. I looked at him wondering, and he nodded gradually like he already knew that I was asking about it.

"Yeah baby, Kneel in front of me." He huskily said and smirked.

"W-What do you...mean by k-kneel?" My words cracked while asking and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot That I am your first, well... Didn't you even watch any porn videos? And see what kneels mean?" He sarcastically asked and I shook my head.

He looked at me deeper trying to guess if I was lying but later on, he just sighed.

"Fine, Just be on your knees and make sure that your mouth is open," he instructed. "Wide open,"

He stood up and stepped down from the bed. I heard his metal Belt seemingly get untied and when he Came back to the bed.

He was only wearing his boxer briefs.

I shook my head hard when I realized what kneeling is he asking me to do. He stood in front of me and Griped my hair forcing me to look at him.

"I said wide open!" He madly discussed. His clenching on my hair makes me Cry, It is hard and painful. It felt like my hair was going to be parted from my head.

I shook my head crying.

"Please... S-sir Achilles d-don't do it.." I begged and he rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Fuck Solene! I said Open your fucking mouth!" He yelled madly.

My scare of him got even worse. I was in fear. When I open my mouth and am on my knees while facing his... His... I just closed my eyes,

A little hope of it would be just a dream. Or A nightmare. And somebody will wake me up.

"Oh, goodness sake, Don't cry," he said and faced me. He held my waist and kissed me on my lips. "Don't cry, shh." He added and continued kissing my lips softly.

"Please let me leave..." I whispered. He smiled at me, "No, Baby. I would maybe not do it to you but refusing isn't counted." He said and pulled my head Close to him and owned my lips.

"Gosh, My favorite part of you is your thighs, Your flower, your belly, and your freaking beautiful lips, I want those to be my own," he whispered.


"Here's the cheque, I put a Million there, Just Come back here after you finish your Mother's hospital problem." He uttered and placed a small piece of white paper on the table.

I just look at it and He glimpses at me.

"Don't ever try to run away from me. Baby, I can do things you don't want to experience,"

"Don't call me baby, I am not your own," I strongly said

But he only chuckled and wore his coat.

"Hmm, maybe not now. Someday, one day, or tomorrow??? Maybe," he teased.

He threw me a pair of T-shirts and a jogger. Together with a pair of black heels.

He didn't look at me while on his way to the door but he uttered before he got out.

"That was my shirt, and also my jogger so... Bring me back it on the day that I've said you need to come back. Or... Choose, You will go to the hospital naked. Or walk down the street naked. haha," he added making me even mad at him.

He finally leaves. He leaves me naked and unsatisfied. Yes, unsatisfied. He made me reach my peak and he didn't continue it. His hot hands, big thighs, biceps, and hard chest, made me feel like I was the luckiest girl to have mated with him.

Even though he is a criminal, many Sexy artists, women, and Ordinary people want to see him personally and even give him a chance to kiss him on his lips, he's an actor and a model on his own. He quickly turned the table to someone who dared to fight with him. In public, he's a bastard, He's arrogant, he's a killer, a devil, a hot man that everybody wants to have a chance with him. And now I am here being eaten by him. Making me hot. Makes me feel the sex and pleasure that everybody on my own, wants.

Every time I touched his chest, and the tattoo on his neck, it felt like he was also my own. Feeling his lips on my lips feels merry. His tongue that I know I am scared of but feels so heaven, his way of kissing me softly as if he knew that I was hurt by his hardness, and the way he always looks at me.

Way of Feeling like I will love the criminal.

But no... I wouldn't do that!

I will escape.