The Unexpected Visitor

Achilles's Addiction

About four days later.

My mother and I went back to our cabin, happily having our dinner because she had already had the operation she needed, and The doctor advised her to have much better if she went back to our home and rest. Rather than to the hospital because of the disease that was spreading across the city.

Which I cheerfully obeyed. Because of joy, I immediately took back my mom to the house where I stayed. And make her feel comfortable with my condominium.

She was staring at me happy when she mumbled a word while I was sipping a soup that I made. In her wheelchair, she asked.

"Solene, I am happy that I am now going to be okay, but. Can I ask you?" She mumbled still her voice was weak and almost whispering. making me look at her and nod.

"Yes, Mom, What is it?"

"Nine hundred seventy-five thousand Dollars is too big for you to pay off, How can you have that much money in just about a month of working?" She worriedly asked and waited for me to answer.

I immediately put down the fork and the spoon that I was holding and quickly downed my Stares on the food above our dining table.

I sighed. Shall I gonna talk about the mafia boss that I'd sell my virginity for money or think of many alibis? Ugh! Whatever, I'm sure my mother will be disgusted with me if she knows.

"Uhm... Is it important to answer Mom? Just think about our celebration now instead of those things, aren't you happy with it?" I asked her making her eyes narrow on me.

"Of course, My daughter, I am happy but I am just curious about what you do and how many sacrifices you make just to make money. I am sure you are tired," she stated and smiled at me. Revealing her white teeth on her thin lips. Her eyes had a black circle under them making it obvious that she was sick.

Her pale skin, Her hair, her hands that she can't move at all, and her breathing, It is all bad but I trust the doctor's prescription.

In a million dollars of money that Achilles paid me on the cheque, The leftover Money was made to pay for the medicine and maintenance of my mother and some were for food.

I just need to get back to the bar to sustain her needs, why? Cause I'm her child. Only child and my father was Gone.

"Uhm, I tried different jobs, Mom, every day, I work on many levels. I wear many hats and shoes, and I also walk on different paths, just to get it and make you healed. Remember what I say? I can do all things if it is for you Mom," I said sweetly and she smiled at me and tried to reach my hand with her hands.

"Thank you Solene. You are truly my angel," she finally said.


I got her on her bed and she was snoring, she fell asleep fast as I thought she would and she was readying herself and her body to make it healthy again. I started to stare at her and somehow, be thankful for Achilles for paying me the amount that I had said well, in fact, The amount is higher than he should pay me.

Money rules, money was needed and I only have a body to make money.

Money can indeed buy everything, a nice car, Nice accessories, a fabulous house. Food and even women. Money can buy anything and make you happy indeed.

I've finished college but have not taken an exam yet. The fee for the exam isn't that simple to reach. Again, When my father had gone, All my dreams went down. He wished me to take modeling and yes, I've taken the fashion industry, I studied about it, and I dreamed about becoming a supernova Model star that can reach every country in the world, and people around me will know me as a superstar.

But everything wasn't simple.

Unexpected things usually happen and always happen in a world that is full of failures, success is a rare get. As I have said, I only have a brain, Beauty, and a body to get a man like Achilles sure will wanted to take and that is the only Alas I have, and giving him what he wants me to do to a bed will make money at all. I wish I could say sorry to my father someday.

My mom is the only one I have now, I have no friends at all and I don't talk to someone else aside from my mom. She was my best friend and the best woman for me that is why when the doctor said that she might die if she did not do an operation for her cancer, I thought of having a job. And the job that I get is at a bar, where I can dance on the pole, With only a two-piece and heels. However, I don't take men outside and let them touch me. Only Achilles did.

I met him at the bar and served him a drink, while he was watching me I knew that he had a plan to take me out but I refused. And refusing isn't what he wants to hear. That is why he offered me a night, for money that could solve all my problems and send me his calling card. Which I find it hard to choose between. But ended up like this. He won. His fantasizing won.

"Hmm, good night mom, I will go now to my room," I said. Even knowing that my mom was already sleeping. I kissed her on her forehead said goodbye and headed to my room.

Comfort room before my room. On the last door, was my room.

I remember when I was in college, I used to use this condominium, and my father and I helped each other to buy this as my room which consists of two rooms inside. A little kitchen, one CR, a Terrace, and a very simple little house-like to call home.

The door was locked from the outside and I got the key. I immediately opened it and The darkness just welcomed me. I didn't open the light since I am the only one here now and feel comfortable in darkness more than in light.

I stepped on my feet and trynna get to my bed when I smelled strange. I sniffed and My heart burst in a beat when I realized what is the smell.

I quickly stepped back to my feet and headed to the door when a big hand forced me not to open the door. My knees are trembling out of panic attacks. My heart throbs louder inside my chest and the big hand is on my mouth just to make sure that I cannot make a sound.

He chuckled. A dark and Cold chuckle was the only thing I could hear. I can't see anybody else because of the gloom in the room.

I forced it to take him away from his hand on my mouth but he's kinda strong as fuck.

"Hello, Dear, Miss me?" He asked and he chuckled sniffing my ear down to my neck. His hot breath just touched down my skin and made my abdomen ache. I suddenly felt weak, all my body parts. My hand was on his hand also trying to put away his hand from my mouth and my knees were standing weaker than him.

"Don't make noise or else I will kill your precious mother now. While she's asleep. So.. Better to keep your mouth shut, baby," he said as he slowly put down his hand leaving my mouth free to talk.

I quickly caught my breath and tried to run back to the door but he pulled me and I was immediately thrown to my bed I couldn't see. Shit! How did he break into my room?!

"Achilles. Please, leave me alone here," I uttered and quickly got up from the bed. Hush covered the room. And I was left Questionable.

I was about to step down from the mattress when he pushed me down again making me lay down and he immediately put himself above me. Above my body,

"Why would I leave? Will anyone know about here?" He huskily asked as if he was asking for a joke. He didn't hesitate to lick my ear and bit it a little while his hand was pushing my hands pinned on the bedsheets, and I couldn't move it.

I whine as I tilt my head to the other side making him stop teasing me but he doesn't get even bothered by it. He planted a kiss on my neck down to where my collarbone was hardly revealing because I was wearing only a crop top.

"S-Stop it. Please, Achilles, S-Spare my life," I said hysterically while trying to decline the lust that I immediately felt below.

"You gotta nice top baby, I can lick your chest more easily." He said and he chuckled.

"Achilles please, Stop this shit! Let me go!" I uttered madly and made him groan in pain when I kicked his balls hard using my foot.

"Ah!! What the fuck Solene!" He groaned slapdash.

He let my hands go fast as he groaned in pain while Surely holding his freaking manhood. But his knees corner my hips making me not able to move and get out of him.

"Shit! Achilles!!! Let me go!" I shouted and forcefully pushed him on his hard chest. But what made me feel doubted in my actions was when my hands accidentally landed on the gun in his hips. I was freezing, my hands were shuddering and I heard him howling madly.

"Fuck it Solene! Why did you fucking do that?!" He grunted.

In my shuddering, I couldn't move my mouth, I felt cold and numb. I was still lying on my bed and he was up above me. I could almost die choking when he rested his hand beside my head and one touches me on my breast. And moving up to my shoulder and making his nails spread on my skin.

The hot semen just flowed down on my womanhood instantly.

"So you fucking touched it? Know that I can kill you anytime here If I want to. And not only you But also your mother, Would it be happy to see I—"

"Achilles, Sir... Please don't do that... I...I, I will make everything you will order me to do j-Just don't k-Kill us," I was stuttering. I am nervous about his way of laughing.

He was happy and chuckling and stroking my hair with his fingertips.

The lamp on the side of my bed just opened. And with the light, I saw his devilish smile that sent me horror in all my skin.

His gray eyes, his nose, his Lips that were hungrily looking for mine to own, and the way that his hair fell on his gazes. All was freaking attractive. All was made perfect.

"Then be quiet. I will only ask you to be silent. That's it," he plainly said as I nodded my head.

my tears began to plunge from my eyes when he kissed my neck firmly down to my chest while his hand was holding my head. and one starts below the lace of my bra as his lip travels over my hot body.

"shit, I can't deny that I need your body to fill all the lust inside me." he sighed and then kissed me on the lips. His tights on my hair suffer, and every time he forces my mouth to open it his warm tongue is painful as always.

He unhooked my bra inside the crop top and traveled his hand on my waist down to where my skirt's waistline laced. He put his hand in front of my womanhood and quickly unzipped it. I could feel his warm hand back on my panty's lace and immediately put it down.

"Achil...Achilles," I moaned as he kissed down my ribs and in the center of my stomach, twirling his Tongue and playing on it. He parted my legs and went through my flower.

My hands gripped the bedsheet hard as he teased me while licking lightly my wet. His tongue that touches my flower makes me tilt my head to nowhere side. My sweat comes out from my head and neck, feeling like l was in the middle of first as he kissed my womanhood quickly.

"Hmm... A-Achilles," I mumbled as his hands massaged my thighs hard and caressed them.

"Fuck, You're already wet, baby, you're early," he said sweetly in front of my womanhood that making his hot air even fill my hole.

"A...Ach...Achilles," I constantly moan when he licked it hard. I feel my womanhood will release a liquid again and my abdomen hot. My sweats were cold and I almost scratched off my bed sheets because of my tight grips.

"Don't ever make a noise." He said bringing back his lips on my neck as he tore my top and my nipples got squeezed by his lips.

My hands gripped his shoulder and around his neck unintentionally but how he sucked my breast like a child makes me feel uncontrolled.

"You like it, baby?" He asked as he waited for my response and his hands touched my neck where my sweat was wetting it.

"I said do you like it or I will kill y—"

"Y-Yes.. y-Yes S-Sir," I answered and he grinned at me.

"Good baby, Good girl, get up" he spoke, then he suddenly got off to my bed.

"I hate your place, there is nothing sex playroom here and... Boring," he said as he looked at the room,

I quickly got my blanket and covered my body as he sexily wore off his black t-shirt and his pants. And put down his Gun on my table. He looks at me Daringly and he smirks when he takes off his boxer and his... His manhood was revealed in my eyes.

My hands were feeling cold as I looked away hard and gripped the blanket wishing that it wasn't true, that this was just made by my mind.

"Kneel," he ruled as he looked at me.

"Achilles, please no," I refused and my eyes went teary Begging for him,

"I said kneel! Here in front of me!" He madly decreed and suddenly, my body began to move toward him and shut my eyes firmly kneeling in his front.

The cold floor meets my trembling knees and I can feel his clenching my hair as he sanctions it upwards.

"Open your fucking mouth S-Solene," he said catching his breath, and I was shaking, frightened opened my mouth in the way he like.

Second after, he didn't do anything. I unexpectedly was lifted by him and we're on my bed again naked.

He pushed me and cornered me with his hard muscles and owned my lips hungrily as he aggressively massaged my breast.

He parted our lips and was a moment for me to bite my lips as I tried to hold back moans.

He massages it gently and hard. And back to my lips again.

"S-Sir... Hmp," I whined when his hard cock pressed on my wet womanhood and he squeezed it hard to my flower making me even say his name.

"Oh, fuck, Moan my name Solene, Moan my name!" He requested huskily as he one more time very hard shoved his erotic cock on between my thighs.

"Hmm... Achilles, Oh," I sobbed, And he did also.

"Shit... Oh, Shit..." He cursed in the air several times squeezing his cock on my feminity.

I groaned and he started to get it inside my whole,

"You are still tight, Baby," he whispered in my ears and continues to enter his big, long, and hard cock inside my wet vagina. It creates sounds as it enters me and makes me feel filled by him.

We both know that a raise of voice can interrupt my mother's sleeping and not gonna lie, we both being careful about that.

"Hmmm, fuck!! Augh shit!" He said as he moves

"Oh...ah..hmm. Achilles...hmm, sh-shit...hmm," I moaned as he hardly thrust in and out of my hole and enjoyed the scent of his aroma.

And scarcely thrusting carefully inside me as we dance and our moans are the music we made.

Thrusting hard enough to bang me in the bed it creates a creaking sound.

"A...Achilles", I moaned in between our lust, I saw him looking at me deeply, mouth-watering, and full of darkness in his eyes, I suddenly remember how I accidentally saw him saving a grade ten student from an attempt of being raped by a grown man near the lake at Westwood street. A street where there were a lot of trees and darker surroundings, and also, a place where most of the young women were reportedly found dead, raped, and went missing.

Can't deny that the lake was a source of good water to use every day, A fish that can eat and the big trees that serve enough fruits for villagers there, that's why many of the villagers' parents often order their children to fetch water or get a fish to eat and unluckily they went missing.

And that day, October 13, When I was on my way to visit one of my colleagues, I accidentally saw a black car parked on the lakeside and a little girl who was crying for help. I thought they were the cause of why the girl was begging but I am wrong. And with a shot from his Gun, a man went down on the floor, lifeless. I saw him, Achilles who was asking the girl, and the girl's voice was quite trembling and loud, enough for me to hear everything from the distance.

"S-Sir... I- I was f-fetching water on t-the lake when h-he suddenly grabbed me and... and..." she sobbed and didn't continue her words and then there's Achilles who's staring blankly at her.

He gave her an envelope and tapped her shoulder which I believe ordered her to leave. And that was the time when I saw him. Sparing another's life, saving someone from a criminal, with the fact that Achilles is a criminal too. A criminal that saves an innocent from a criminal? How ironic

"I said Friday night. I told you to come back to the mansion but you didn't. So I am here to come instead", I heard him uttering in his lowest voice, making me back in realization. the vibrations in his voice made me shiver, and his cold stare added a tense to my heart

Throb again, deep and hard. As my grip on his shoulder tightened, I moaned and saw heaven at my side, and his breathing, panting and tired, he then took out his manhood and stood.

I was left there naked, tired, and laying on my messy bed I knew. I uttered

"My mother refused when I said I should go for somewhere tonight",

"She said so? Tss", he answered and I heard a belt which I believe was from him as he now getting himself dressed again.

I stood up with a blanket covering my body and was about to leave the door when he said a word

"Do you have coffee?"

My mind was still left in the void when I heard him. I looked at him and scanned his face if he was serious, but the seriousness of what he said was obvious to him.

"it's not what you use to drink in your mansion, Sir", I replied.

"yeah, I know. but it surely tastes like coffee isn't it?" he sarcastically said and I could do nothing but follow him.

I immediately got dressed and heated water on our stove. and he was just standing in front of my room's door, staring or maybe watching me do what I do. every time I turn around, my gaze is always fixed on his eyes.

"It's hot here at your place", he whined and looked for a piece of cardboard to fan himself.

I rolled my eyes and continued doing what I was doing.

"the space is still small, there is not even a good room, the wide one, no chandelier, no stairs, no spacious kitchen—"

"Keep your voice down, Sir! My mother will wake up with your so many complaints!" I said and opened my eyes wide to make him shut up.

which he did.

"what do you have?" he asked again, I immediately looked at him

"I mean what food do you have there?" he repeated

"huh? s-simple food... you might not like it! don't! you'll just end it up on waste",

"eh! whatever! serve me food!" he answered and immediately pulled out a chair and sat across from our dining table.

"Hurry up, even my coffee was late huh?" he said and he rolled his eyes

I still can't believe it. what the hell? is the man in front of me really him?