Chapter 05


In the cavernous Hall of Insight that same night, the Elders and the venerable Patriarch of the ancient Kunlun sect gathered amid the flickering crimson glow of numerous lanterns.


Towering pillars lined the vast space, their shadows stretching across the polished stone floors. Large rounded tables of intricately carved redwood filled the chamber, their surfaces gleaming under the warm illumination.


The Elders, legendary for their profound martial prowess, wore stern expressions, their brows furrowed in contemplation. The Patriarch, his wizened face etched with deep lines, was seated in the central position of honor, back ramrod straight.


He raised a gnarled hand, silencing the hushed murmurs, and spoke in a voice roughened by decades of experience, "What is this, Elders?" His piercing eyes, the only visible feature in the dimness, scanned the gathered council.


"This illusion, Patriarch," confidently spoke one of the Elders, straightening his posture as all eyes turned towards him. "It must be the work of the Illusionary Sect. We have all borne witness to the sudden and inexplicable appearance of the 'Tower of God.'"


A heavy silence blanketed the hall as the gravity of the situation sank in. Even the revered Patriarch was not exempt from the effects of this powerful sorcery.


Another Elder spoke up, leaning forward with furrowed brows and eyes sharp as daggers, "I disagree. The simultaneous abduction of all of us, using the name of 'God.' This is not the usual approach of the Illusionary Sect." Their voice carried an edge of consternation.


A muscular Elder with a rough, weathered face adorned by a thick beard nodded firmly. "Elder Fang's point is valid, but aside from this strange occurrence, I am more concerned about our missing disciples." His words hung in the air like a tangible weight, silencing everyone once more.


The creak of the large wooden door suddenly shattered the tense quiet as a disciple slipped inside, promptly bowing low with hands cupped at chest level.


"Forgive my impudence, but I am here to deliver a report about our missing disciples, as instructed by Elder Xia."


The disciple, fighting to keep his voice steady, proceeded to narrate the gathered reports in full detail.


In summary, all the missing disciples had inexplicably vanished at the exact moment when the strange hovering illusion first manifested before their eyes.


He confirmed this sobering fact personally, having witnessed his friend's absence upon their return from the mysterious occurrence.


A palpable unease settled over the hall as the Elders and the Patriarch exchanged weighted glances, eyebrows raised in shared trepidation at this alarming development.


"It is evident that only the disciples above 17 years old are missing. This aligns with what the mysterious Spirit Illusion has stated," the Patriarch declared, shaking his head slowly in the encompassing darkness.


Despite his steady tone, weariness lined his voice, a testament to the heavy toll this sudden crisis had already taken on the aged master after so long without major incident.


"Gather all of them in the Central Courtyard immediately. Whether this is a ploy by the Illusionary Sect or the insidious Demonic factions, as leaders of the Orthodox Faction, we must prioritize the safety of our own people above all else."




The tense night eventually gave way to the vibrant warmth of the rising sun, its golden rays filtering through the trees as the melodic chorus of songbirds welcomed the new day.


In the Outer Disciple Courtyard of the renowned Kunlun Sect, typically alive with the sounds of disciples engaging in rigorous morning training exercises, an unusual stillness prevailed.


Not a single figure moved amid the empty training grounds.


Within the humble Outer Disciple dormitory, Ji Wuye, the lone occupant with long flowing white hair and striking aristocratic features, slept peacefully.


His closed eyes twitched briefly before slowly opening, revealing piercing crimson irises that scanned the vacant beds surrounding him.


He let out a long yawn, his unbound hair cascading in silken waves over the simple sheets. As the last vestiges of sleep finally released their hold on his mind, his gaze sharpened with harsh reality.


"So this is not merely a dream..."


Once again, he was forced to accept the bitter truth of his circumstances. It seemed unfathomable that just the day before, he had been diligently performing push-ups and triumphantly conquering the first floor of the Tower of God.


"Let's see... after the first day..." Ji Wuye muttered to himself as he deftly changed into a fresh set of pristine white martial robes, tying the sash neatly at his slim waist. There could be no doubt as to their next course of action.


"They must be gathering at the Central Courtyard." As for the puzzling question of why no one had bothered to rouse him from slumber, the obvious answer soon became clear - he had no male friends.




As Ji Wuye made his way from the quiet Outer Disciple dorm towards the Central Courtyard, the winding path remained utterly deserted, an eerie stillness permeating the air.


Normally this route would be alive with the sounds of disciples making their way to the Outer Courtyard for early morning training sessions.


However, as he passed by those vacant practice grounds, not a single figure could be seen moving amidst the neatly raked sand and wooden practice dummies, confirming Ji Wuye's deduction that all able disciples had been summoned elsewhere.


Upon finally reaching the expansive Central Courtyard, he was met with a stark contrast - a bustling scene of disciples lined up in orderly rows, nervous murmuring carrying on the crisp morning breeze.


Furtive glances were exchanged as friends and peers reunited after the harrowing events of the previous night.


"I still can't believe it..." one lanky disciple muttered, vigorously rubbing his palms together as if to ground himself.


"One moment I was sleeping soundly, and the next, this bizarre symbol just appeared out of nowhere and transported me to some mysterious room!"


He nervously tapped the toe of his cloth shoe against the hard-packed earth, crimson eyes scanning the assembling crowd with thinly veiled trepidation.


"My heart was racing the entire time," another disciple, shorter and sporting a rumpled topknot, chimed in with a tremulous voice.


His hand visibly trembled as it clutched the fabric of his robe. "I thought it was all just some bizarre dream!"


A young woman standing nearby pursed her lips, brow furrowed as she regarded her fearful peers. "At least we're back safely at the sect for now. But I can't help worrying about Liu Fei and the others who didn't return with us last night. Do you think they..."


"Don't say it!" The lanky disciple cut her off sharply, shaking his head adamantly. "I'm sure they're fine. They're strong, capable disciples - they can definitely take care of themselves out there."


"Still, it's very strange that only those of us above the age of seventeen were taken," a taller disciple mused, one hand stroking his clean-shaven chin as he calmly analyzed the situation despite the palpable tensions.


"I overheard the Elders speculating that it might have something to do with that Hidden Sect faction you mentioned."


The shorter disciple rolled his eyes derisively. "The Hidden Sect? Those sniveling cowards? I thought for sure that Unorthodox faction was behind all of this!"


The gathered disciples continued to murmur and chatter, swapping tales of their individual experiences, some faces etched with fear while others were practically vibrating with reckless excitement at the prospect of danger.


Ji Wuye observed the diverse array of attire among his peers, able to easily distinguish the Inner Disciples by their martial sect robes adorned with crisp dark purple stripes along the hems and sleeves.


These elite few maintained a composed, aloof demeanor even in the midst of such chaos, observing the commotion with critical eyes.


Among these disciples, those with dark blue stripes on their robes were mostly filled with youthful excitement and bravado, practically bouncing on the balls of their feet with eagerness.


In contrast, those like Ji Wuye with aqua-colored striped robes appeared visibly shaken, eyes wide and knuckles pale from anxiously clenching their trembling hands.


'Well, our strength can't even begin to compare to the Official Disciples or Inner Disciples,' Ji Wuye thought to himself with a inward sigh, absently toying with the aqua-striped hem of his own robe.


The Official Disciples, characterized by their dark blue striped robes, were accomplished martial artists who had attained the 4th realm or above and received advanced Inner Art Pulse Cleansing Gongfa instruction to further elevate their skills.


The prestigious Inner Disciples, on the other hand, were personally handpicked by the revered Elders themselves from among the most exceptional talents.


Most had reached at least the 5th realm, with some even managing to break through to the immensely formidable Seventh Realm.


The Elders themselves were said to have achieved the sublime 8th realm, while the venerable Patriarch alone stood at the pinnacle - the mythical 9th realm.


A martial artist of the 9th realm was likened to an untouchable ruler of the world, with fewer than fifteen such experts existing across all of the sects and clans. Most had formed their own powerful factions or even entire royal lineages.


Just as Ji Wuye was lost in his awed recollections regarding the uppermost echelons of power, a sudden thunderous clap abruptly shattered the tense atmosphere.




The subtle shockwave compelling the gathered disciples to fall into an uneasy silence as every head snapped towards the source of the disturbance.