Chapter 06

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"Disciples of Kunlun,"


The speaker, an Elder in a distinctive white robe with dark yellow stripes, addressed the gathered disciples.


His voice carried a commanding tone as he stood tall before them. Hidden muscles protruded beneath his attire, indicating his physical strength trained through years of rigorous training.


Though his gray hair showed his age, his scar-covered face and slightly darker skin tone hinted at a lifetime spent under harsh conditions, tempering his body and spirit.


"I understand your concerns about the sudden illusion that surrounded us. You may have noticed that some of our comrades are missing this morning," the Elder began, pausing to sweep his gaze across the crowd, taking note of the fear and grief etched on many of the disciples' faces.


Among the disciples were individuals from diverse backgrounds such as farmers' sons and shopkeepers' offspring, all aspiring to become revered martial artists and make a name for themselves in Jianghu.


On the other hand, the Official Disciples wore expressions of worry, but without the same fear in their eyes as the new recruits.


This could be because they had successfully graduated from being Outer Disciples and had become true martial artists, having faced their share of challenges.


Only the Inner Disciples remained outwardly calm, their postures upright and faces composed as they eagerly awaited the Elder's next words.


Their composure and seniority suggested that they were unfazed by the disappearance of mere Outer disciples.


"We, the Elders, suspect that the Illusionary Sect is responsible for this strange illusion, but we lack concrete evidence to make accusations. However, we have received reports of similar incidents not only in Kunlun but throughout the entire Jianghu.


"Instead of those covert factions, this is likely the doing of..."


The disciples looked at the muscular Elder with solemnity as his words trailed off, waiting for him to reveal the faction behind this cruel method. The scent of incense wafted through the air, mixing with the tension that hung over the gathering.


Without the Elder even needing to finish his sentence, the disciples understood whom he referred to.


"Those despicable individuals! Throughout history, they have caused numerous massacres and employed countless forbidden arts," one disciple exclaimed, his fists clenched at his sides.


"That's right! The Illusionary Sect may be unorthodox, but at least they are still human, unlike those vile beings," another added, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and disgust.


Voices filled the central courtyard, expressing disgust and anger towards the Evil factions, their tones ranging from righteous indignation to hushed whispers laced with trepidation.


Ji Wuye, among them, remained outwardly silent but observed the muscular Elder with sidelong glances, his brow ever so slightly furrowed.


"It seems like their reactions align with my previous experiences," Ji Wuye muttered inwardly, sighing as he studied the faces of his fellow disciples.


He realized that due to their old age and adherence to tradition, the Elders were likely unwilling to accept that this incident might not be the work of the infamous Evil factions.


However, back then, in the previous time line... he also...


Reflecting on his own initial response, Ji Wuye realized that he had shared the same knee-jerk assumption as the rest of the disciples.


The appearance of the mysterious Tower was truly out of place, challenging the established theories and concepts that governed the cultivation world of Jianghu.


It felt like an alien entity attempting to assimilate into their realm, defying comprehension.


"Silence!" the muscular Elder commanded, his voice booming across the courtyard as he raised a calloused hand.


The clamor died down almost instantly, the disciples' gazes snapping back to the Elder with rapt attention.


"We are currently searching for a way to protect ourselves from this intrusive influence. To prevent similar incidents, each disciple will be given a Rejuvenation Pill!"


As the Elder made the announcement, objects flew towards the disciples from behind his back, released with a flick of his wrist.






Catching the incoming objects proved to be an easy task for disciples whose cultivation realms ranged from the 1st realm, the lowest level, and upwards.


However, some missed their mark, eliciting grunts of pain as the pills collided with noses or bodies amidst a flurry of movement.


Ji Wuye skillfully caught the pill, his movements swift and controlled as he blended seamlessly into the crowd, not raising any suspicions or attracting undue attention.


Examining the item pinched between his fingers, he observed that it was the size of a pinky finger, pale green in color, and devoid of any intricate design or markings, appearing rather plain and unassuming.


"Utilize it wisely and reserve it for urgent circumstances! This is a generous reward bestowed upon all of you by the sect, regardless of your individual contributions!" the Elder bellowed.


"Now, disperse and ready yourselves for the upcoming challenge!"




As the Elder concluded his address with a forceful exhalation, the disciples responded in unison. They stood tall, their backs straightening as one, and clasped their hands together in a show of respect.


In a fluid motion, they bowed their heads, the morning sunlight glinting off their hair.


For a fleeting moment, the courtyard fell silent, tension thick in the air. Then, as if released from a trance, the disciples dispersed into the milling crowd, their robes rustling like leaves in the wind.

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"Rejuvenation Pill..." Meanwhile, Ji Wuye found himself amidst the scattered crowd, bodies brushing past him as disciples went their separate ways.


Some engaged in hushed gossip, their voices carrying notes of excitement and trepidation, while others resumed their duties with purposeful strides.


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye gaze fixed on the spot where the muscular Elder had been standing moments ago, as if still trying to absorb the weight of his proclamation.


His attention shifted as he noticed Mu Lan Rou being called away by one of the senior disciples, her slender figure slipping through the throng.


Squinting briefly against the glare of the sun, he followed the direction in which her shadow disappeared before deciding to take his own leave.


However, just as he was about to depart, a hand placed firmly on his shoulder triggered his instincts for battle.


His muscles tensed, ready to strike, but realizing that he was no longer inside the Tower, he relaxed his clenched fist, refraining from lashing out at the person who had touched him.


At the same time, the individual who had grabbed his shoulder came into view from the corner of his eye.


"You're that renowned, handsome Brother, aren't you?" Standing before Ji Wuye, a young girl with silky, warm maple-colored tresses cascading in gentle waves past her shoulders met his gaze.


Her youthful face, shaped like a delicate heart, featured polished acorn-like eyes that exuded an innocent curiosity about the world around her. Despite her diminutive stature, she carried herself with a confidence that belied her years.


"Why aren't you answering?" The young girl straightened her posture, compensating for their height difference, and waved her small hands in front of his face, drawing his attention back to her piercing stare.


"Song Jia..." Unconsciously, the name slipped from Ji Wuye's lips, startling the young girl with his familiarity.


"You know me, Brother Ji?" she asked, her brow furrowing ever so slightly as suspicion crept into her tone.


As Song Jia scrutinized him with narrowed eyes, seemingly peering deeply into his crimson gaze, Ji Wuye finally regained his composure.


Though a multitude of thoughts raced through his mind, he offered a faint smile and replied, "Of course, Sister Song. How could I not know you? You are the most beautiful Sister among all the outer disciples."


Upon hearing his response, Song Jia's expression shifted, her eyes narrowing further as she studied his face intently, as if searching for any hint of deception.


"Brother Ji, when the Elder made the announcement and distributed the pill, I couldn't help but notice how composed you were. You even dared to meet Elder Ma's gaze directly," Song Jia stated.


Ji Wuye remained outwardly calm, maintaining his polite smile as he looked back at her. "You must be joking, Sister Song. If there is nothing else, I shall take my leave."


With a courteous gesture towards Song Jia, Ji Wuye turned around, the smile fading from his face in an instant as soon as his back was to her.


'Song Jia... of all people... the one I desperately wanted to avoid is approaching me...' Ji Wuye thought to himself, recalling the uneasy sensation of being watched when Song Jia had spoken to him, as if her gaze could pierce through his carefully constructed facade.


He was at fault as well, carelessly uttering her name without the appropriate respect.


Contemplating how this situation had come to be and what potential complications it might entail in the future, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel the beginnings of a headache coming on, a dull throbbing behind his eyes.


'For now, let's focus on making use of this pill,' Ji Wuye resolved, pushing aside his worries. Clutching the unassuming green pill tightly in his palm.


'As for you,' Ji Wuye's words trailed off, his gaze fixated on the empty space where the muscular Elder had been standing. A chill settled in his eyes...

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*Big Sister/Sister is a term used in most wuxia-themed novels to respectfully address a woman of equal or similar age, without a significant gap to be called 'Elder Sister.'


*Factions are divided into two categories: Righteous and Evil factions. Within the righteous faction, there are two different views: Orthodox and Unorthodox. Orthodox members are akin to saints, forbidding killing, while Unorthodox individuals, resembling bandits, often resort to killing to prove themselves.