Chapter 07


The morning air remained crisp and rejuvenating after the sect's announcement echoed through the mountain peaks.


With the routine morning exercise canceled, the disciples found themselves with unexpected free time.


Some wandered the winding paths aimlessly, while others busied themselves preparing for the upcoming tower challenge.








On the aged brick path, Ji Wuye's figure came into view, his lean muscles straining as he dragged a gargantuan boulder behind him, tethered by a thick rope wound around his waist.




Each step was a battle, his face flushed crimson from the exertion, eyes bulging with determination. A cacophony of thoughts swirled through his mind, like leaves caught in a whirlwind.


'Why am I doing this?' The question echoed relentlessly, but the answer was as clear as the rising sun. He had to do it, an unwavering resolve burning within him.


This wasn't a sect training or punishment; he chose to bear this burden willingly. Even with his 2nd realm, carrying a boulder weighing over 200 jin in one go was an impossible feat for someone of his level.


He had to utilize his Qi to strengthen his leg muscles, taking frequent breaks to replenish his energy, before repeating the grueling process again and again.


Being under the 4th martial artist realm meant he was still considered a normal human, only slightly stronger, a far cry from the legendary Immortals who could split the sky and cleave mountains with a mere flick of their wrists.


Along the way, he encountered groups of male disciples who watched him struggle, their cold gazes fixated on his plight.


Sarcastic remarks and mocking laughter pierced the air, but Ji Wuye ignored them, knowing that none of them dared to confront him directly.


Thanks to his striking appearance, powerful Senior Sisters had made it abundantly clear in the past that he was not someone to be trifled with, their stern warnings still fresh in the minds of those who dared to cross him.


Though circumstances had changed since then, and he was stronger now, the memory of relying on the protection of Senior Sisters while carrying this boulder still stirred a sense of embarrassment within him, like a thorn buried deep beneath his pride.





After what seemed like an eternity, Ji Wuye finally reached his destination, his chest heaving with each labored breath. He gazed upon the overgrown wild grass and the broken wooden door, the disheveled rooftop a testament to years of neglect and abandon.


"Finally... I'm here," he panted heavily, wiping the beads of sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.


The abandoned courtyard, once occupied by servants, had been left empty and unused since the introduction of ranks like Outer Disciples, essentially martial artist servants.


Normal people were driven out, their former homes left to crumble and decay. As for why Ji Wuye chose this desolate place, despite attracting unwanted attention, the reason...


"But first, let's fix this first," Ji Wuye muttered in a low tone, his eyes fixed on the scattered and abandoned pile of logs with a peculiar appearance in the deserted courtyard.




Ten minutes later, the logs were neatly arranged, and his hands reddened, not from moving them, but from the weight of the stone boulder he carried above them, his muscles straining with each step.


Taking a deep breath and resting for another minute, his narrowed red eyes focused on the shining boulder of rock, determination etched across his features.


"Let's do this!"


Leaning against the arranged logs, he carefully walked backward until he found a comfortable position. His hand touched the boulder, and he pressed one of the imprints on the nearby logs, causing the rock to fall onto his back with a resounding thud.


"Ugh!" Ji Wuye coughed in surprise, his eyes glaring defiantly as he felt the heavy weight threatening to crush him. For a moment, the world spun, and darkness crept at the edges of his vision, the weight almost making him pass out.




But he bit his tongue, regaining his senses through sheer force of will. The sun had risen above his head, casting his shadow upon the ground as he held the boulder aloft, refusing to let it fall, his muscles quivering with the effort.


"1!" Ji Wuye shouted, his voice reverberating through the abandoned courtyard as he slowly squatted, the massive boulder weighing heavily on his back.


At the same time, he manipulated his Qi, channeling the ethereal energy into his Twelve Meridians, allowing it to accumulate in his Lower Dantian.


"2!" His legs trembled violently, the muscles straining against the colossal weight as he attempted to straighten up.


When his Lower Dantian was filled to the brim with Qi, he dispersed it back into the surroundings, the air around him shimmering faintly with the release of energy.


"3!" The process repeated, drawing Qi into his body and accumulating it in his Lower Dantian with each controlled breath. But this time, the Qi felt more refined, calmly entering his body as if guided by an unseen force.


On the contrary, Ji Wuye, feeling the subtle effects coursing through his veins, showed a grin, his lips curling upward in a display of hard-won satisfaction.


"It worked!" he exclaimed, his eyes alight with triumph.


In his previous life, this training method belonged to the renowned Wudang Sect, known for their martial power and superior sword techniques that could cleave mountains with a single stroke.


Both their Patriarch and disciples possessed astonishing strength, their reputations echoing through the ages like thunderclaps.


When the Tower of the God emerged, they willingly shared their training methods to prepare for the invasion of floor 50.


This demonstration of selflessness highlighted the difference between the orthodox and unorthodox righteous factions.


One was willing to sacrifice anything for the world, while the other was selfish and self-serving, hoarding their knowledge and power like misers guarding their treasures.


This training not only increased muscle mass but also improved stamina and Qi control, particularly when enveloping the body with Qi.


While a 1st realm martial artist could only maintain full body envelopment for a mere 10 minutes, the disciples of the Wudang Sect managed to double that using this method, their bodies brimming with energy like wells overflowing with vitality.


"Those muscular and barbarian disciples, their strength is like that of a bear. No wonder this training is high risk, high reward!"


Ji Wuye muttered, his eyes narrowing as he recalled the awe-inspiring physiques of the Wudang disciples, their muscles rippling like chiseled stone beneath their robes.


However, while their strength was unquestionable, he remembered some individuals who pushed themselves too far, too fast, their ambition outstripping their caution.


The image of a young disciple of Wudang sect came to mind, his face contorted in agony, lacking restraint in his eagerness to progress at breakneck speed.


The young disciple had trained eagerly and excitedly without pause, heedless of the warnings from his Elders.


On the fifth day, as his muscles screamed under the weight of an overloaded boulder, something snapped, the sickening sound echoing like a gunshot in Ji Wuye's memory.


Recalling this tale and envisioning the excruciating pain the young disciple experienced, Ji Wuye froze for a moment, his brow furrowing with concern.


He glanced at the pill nestled in his pocket, its surface glinting in the sunlight like a promise of salvation. "Not... at this moment... But if that happens, I can just use this..."


"4!" Ji Wuye shouted, this time with a broader smile that amplified both his determination and the possibility of sustaining it indefinitely.




Several moments later, the sun still hung overhead, showing no signs of the sky changing hue.


Only 30 minutes had passed since he began the training, yet Ji Wuye lay in the abandoned courtyard, his eyes fixed on the dancing white clouds against the azure expanse, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath.


A burning sensation coursed through his body, searing his muscles with a fiery intensity.


Even while lying down, his legs trembled uncontrollably, but most striking was the way his muscles seemed to pulse and twitch beneath his skin, rippling like waves upon the ocean.


"Ugh… this hurts so much..." Ji Wuye couldn't help but complain, punching his abdomen where it kept twitching, each impact sending waves of intense pain radiating through his body, as if he were being whipped with torn barbs.


After the agony subsided, his glaring red eyes softened, gazing at the tranquil blue sky with a wandering mind, his thoughts drifting like the clouds above.


'Should I just give up?' A fleeting, devilish thought crossed his mind as he was about to close his eyes, tempting him with the sweet release of surrender.


It cannot be helped. Back then, in the previous time line, he did everything in moderation, not even willing to diligently engage in hard work like this...

But his eyes suddenly shot open, glaring back at the sky as if challenging the heavens themselves.


Memories of his near-death experience resurfaced, unbidden flashes of pain and terror searing through his mind, reminding him of the purpose behind his grueling efforts, the reason he could not falter.


His bleeding tongue, already bitten in a moment of agony before, began to bleed once more as he clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles turned white, the nails digging into his calloused palms.


His narrowed red eyes filled with resentment and an unwavering unwillingness to surrender, burning with an intensity that could melt steel.


"At this time, I bet they're all still drunk on their own genius, thinking nothing will happen and treating the appearance of the Tower like a competition," Ji Wuye muttered, his voice dripping with disdain as he slammed his fist against the ground, causing a tremor that sent dust motes dancing in the sunlight.


All he wanted was to live a comfortable life, to training in peace and enjoy the simple pleasures that existence had to offer.


But fate had other plans, and the Tower's sudden emergence had shattered that dream, forcing him into a desperate struggle for survival. 

And those so-called geniuses, those lazy, arrogant fools, seemed content to rest on their laurels, oblivious to the danger that loomed on the horizon.


Finally, tired of his thoughts spiraling into a whirlpool of bitterness, he stood up on trembling legs, his muscles protesting with every movement.


He looked down at the disarray of logs before him, their haphazard arrangement a physical manifestation of the chaos that had consumed his life, and began to count the time until the Tower forcefully summoned him, each second ticking away like grains of sand in an hourglass.


"Let's begin the second round."