Chapter 09


Ji Wuye's body materialized in a burst of blue flashes, his form slamming violently onto the hard floor.


"Gasp!" A pained groan tore from his lips as he writhed, his muscles spasming uncontrollably.


Deep crimson blood seeped from numerous wounds, pooling beneath his trembling form. Faint tendrils of azure radiance, his cultivated Qi, leaked erratically from the spiritual nodes in his lower abdomen and the newly-formed nexus blazing to life in his core.


Using the potent Rejuvenation Pill had clearly taken a severe toll. Each of his Dantian, the metaphysical furnaces that refined his Qi, showed hairline fractures crisscrossing their surfaces like an intricate spiderweb, threatening to shatter completely.


If this dire situation persisted, he would surely lose all his hard-won cultivation progress. However, before that calamitous outcome could come to pass, a warm emerald aura suddenly enveloped Ji Wuye's battered body in a protective cocoon.


The ruptured meridians and cracked Dantian began knitting themselves back together with astonishing speed. Simultaneously, the newly birthed Middle Dantian pulsed hungrily, drinking in the seemingly infinite wellspring of Qi suffusing the chamber.


[!] All temporary injuries had been healed!


[!] You have 30 minutes remaining before being teleported to the second floor!


Despite the miraculous healing, Ji Wuye remained frighteningly still and silent, his chest barely rising and falling with shallow breaths.


The immense backlash from forcibly catalyzing the formation of his Middle Dantian had taken its toll, leaving him wracked with mental and physical exhaustion.




Time slipped by unnoticed as Ji Wuye's unconscious form lay motionless. Eventually, a translucent display flickered into existence before him.


[!] You have 05 minutes remaining before being teleported to the second floor!


In that moment, Ji Wuye's eyes snapped open, the irises blazing crimson as they rapidly scanned his surroundings with a look of bewildered intensity.


With deliberate movements, he rose to his feet, turning this way and that as he processed his situation. His gaze fell to his chest, and his brow furrowed quizzically as he registered the complete absence of pain or injury.


Without a moment's hesitation, he channeled his Qi inwards, and his eyes widened palpably as he sensed the newly-solidified nexus of power thrumming at his core.


A broad, triumphant grin slowly spread across his features. "It's a success!"


Fully cognizant of the stark differences and heightened risks involved in transcending from the 2nd to the 3rd realm compared to his previous breakthrough, Ji Wuye had cleverly combined the restorative effects of the Tower's ambient energies with the catalyzing properties of the pill provided by the Elders.


The potent tonic had fortified his physical form against the strain of forcing his meridians to restructure, while the Tower's intrinsic power had facilitated his body's subsequent recovery.


Now that he had definitively advanced to the lofty 3rd realm, Ji Wuye immediately turned his focus inward once more, scrutinizing his status screen intently.



[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 12

[->] Strength: 36

[->] Agility: 31

[->] Qi: 31

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(F)



A surprised bark of laughter escaped Ji Wuye's lips. "My level jumped from 7 all the way to 12, and every one of my core attributes increased by a staggering ten points!"


He shook his head in amazement, recalling that his previous breakthrough to the 2nd realm had only elevated him to Level 5 along with comparatively meager stat gains.


Now, standing at the apex of the Outer Disciples' power, Ji Wuye could rightly be considered one of the strongest amongst their ranks.


"Though it's not a singularly remarkable achievement in the greater scope of things, it will more than suffice to deal with any annoying pests that cross my path."


Having thoroughly inspected his updated status and with little time remaining before his impending transition, Ji Wuye swiftly accessed the enigmatic Shop interface.


[*] SHOP

[>] Skill [<] 

[>] Items [<]


"Item," Ji Wuye stated.




Mana Potions - 50 coins

Health Potions - 50 coins

Training Wooden Shield - 75 coins

Worn Farmer Boots - 25 coins

Rope - 10 coins

Healing Pills - 35 coins

Cage of Light - 85 coins

Stamina Potions - 50 coins

1-Year-Old Ginseng - 10 coins


A thoughtful frown creased Ji Wuye's brow as he rapidly scanned the list of available supplies. "For this floor's challenge, healing will likely prove crucial..."


His gaze lingered momentarily on the health potions before he muttered dismissively, "But it would be wasteful to squander my limited coin reserves on such paltry restoratives."


"Furthermore, I should conserve as much of my coin reserves as possible..." Ji Wuye murmured, his brow furrowing in contemplation as he surveyed the shop's wares with a calculating gaze.


While the health potions represented a logical choice for their one-time restorative effect and immediate healing properties, he knew their utility would be fleeting at best.


With a slight shake of his head, stray white locks swaying across his resolute features, Ji Wuye dismissed the potions from consideration.


Just then, a shimmering notification materialized before him:


[!] You have purchased item: Healing Pills!


[!] You have purchased item: 1 Years-old Gingseng x2!


"Hmm…" Ji Wuye nodded, a satisfied smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. The precious medicinal ginseng roots and concentrated healing pills would prove far more versatile assets for the challenges that potentially lay ahead.


No sooner had the words left his lips than another ethereal display flickered into existence, its kaleidoscopic runes pulsing with a sense of urgency.


[!] Time's up! You will now be forcefully transported into second floor!