Chapter 10

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Ji Wuye arrived on the second floor, his expression tense as he surveyed the circular area.


The sky above was brilliantly clear, not a single wispy cloud marring the bright expanse. Surrounding him were tiers of benches made of weathered gray limestone, arranged in five levels devoid of any ornamental flourishes.


These rudimentary seats were shallow and showing signs of deterioration in places, in stark contrast to the solid, well-constructed terraces of a grand colosseum.


Ji Wuye's brow furrowed slightly as he studied the structure, then spoke in a low, contemplative tone, "It seems to be an arena, or perhaps a gladiator arena of some kind."


Though the architecture was unfamiliar to him, the notable difference between this structure and the Central Courtyard of his sect appeared to be merely the presence of spectator seating.


In Jianghu, disciples stood to observe, without designated areas to sit.


As his eyes roved over the surroundings, assessing, the details of his mission to clear this floor finally materialized before him.



You have reached the 2nd floor of the Tower of the God!

[>] Objective: Survive for 60 minutes!

[!] Consequence: DEATH!


Ji Wuye's lips pressed into a grim line as he muttered, "The longer duration doesn't make this challenge any easier." His gaze swept over the deserted arena, taking in the scattered debris of crumbling pillars - no enemies in sight, at least not yet.


Without further delay, he lowered himself to the ground, crossing his legs and beginning to channel his Qi. Gradually, his Qi emerged, coalescing into a protective sphere that enveloped his body from all directions in a shimmering aura.


[!] The first test commenced with the Fire Element!


[!] Your objective: Survive for 15 minutes. Good luck!


The moment his Qi barrier solidified around him, Ji Wuye's crimson eyes glared to the side, instantly alert as the surrounding arena underwent a transformation. A wave of intense heat spread outward, dry grass crisping and igniting into scattered blazes.


Outside the protective cocoon of his Qi, a small cyclone formed, rapidly growing larger until it became a massive, roaring typhoon whipping debris through the air.




Ji Wuye groaned softly through gritted teeth as the vortex's powerful winds buffeted his barrier. But the mounting heat was the true challenge, seeping inward in an attempt to penetrate his fortified defenses.


The temperature skyrocketed to the point where rivulets of sweat beaded on his furrowed brow and ran down his face. And that was merely the beginning, as the typhoon continued escalating in ferocity.


Sitting rigid, cross-legged in concentration, Ji Wuye focused all his effort on channeling and hardening his qi, resisting and diminishing the punishing external heat that threatened to overwhelm him from all sides.


His blazing crimson eyes remained open and defiant amidst the swirling chaos of the storm, which had transformed into a raging cyclone of flame engulfing his body in scorching waves.


"Argh!" He cried out, face contorted, as the fiery vortex expanded even further, intensifying the ferocity of the infernal winds that battered his Qi shield relentlessly and caused the flesh of any exposed skin to sizzle and blister on contact.


'Endure it!' His mind demanded through a haze of agony as the firestorm raged, sweat streaming down his face from the exertion of maintaining his wavering barrier.


Though the reinforced Qi shielded his body from the worst of the searing flames licking hungrily at him from all sides, he could feel the insidious heat beginning to seep through, scorching his skin and emitting the acrid, pungent scent of burning flesh.


The flickering of his barrier's light warned that his Qi reserves were running perilously low. A heavy, suffocating sensation weighed on his mind, making it difficult to keep his head upright as dizziness threatened to overwhelm him...


"Just a bit longer..." Ji Wuye ground out through clenched teeth, battling against the fatigue clouding his mind as he poured every ounce of concentration into maintaining his defenses.


Yet the inferno's fury showed no signs of relenting.


The soaring, scorching temperature caused his entire body to redden painfully, and even the sturdy limestone surrounding him began to soften and melt into viscous rivulets. This was no longer a mere trial by fire, but one of searing magma!


His lips were tightly pressed together, cracked and parched, a few stray beads of saliva glistening on them.






Wracking coughs suddenly tore from his raw throat as he simultaneously inhaled searing toxic fumes that gradually corroded his lungs from within.


"Damn it..." Each agonizing cough sent fresh waves of torment lancing through his abused organs. How much more could he possibly endure before his defenses finally crumbled?




Then, abruptly and unexpectedly, the chaos transforming into startling stillness as a transparent screen materialized before him, bringing an end to his suffering.


[!] Congratulations, Climber Ji Wuye, on successfully surviving the first elemental test!


[!] The second test will commence immediately with the Water Element!


[!] Your objective: Survive for 15 minutes. Good luck!


"Didn't even give me a break..." Ji Wuye muttered hoarsely, barely able to catch his breath before the next onslaught began.


His skin was scorched black in places and weeping a viscous mixture of blood and bodily fluids from the raw injuries.


Most of the damage was concentrated on his hands and shoulders where his defenses had wavered, while his legs and torso remained relatively unharmed where he had focused his Qi.


Despite the presence of his reinforced barrier, the damage had still been inflicted.


Clenching his fist tightly, he could still feel the lingering throb of pain for a brief moment.


The primal urge to scream welled up, but he swallowed it back, drawing a deep, composing breath before summoning another feature of the Tower - an inventory.


"Inventory," he rasped, and immediately located the precious item he'd brought for just such dire situations.


A small object around 1-2 chi in length and half a chi wide materialized in his palm, its elongated shape tapered like a stubby carrot with a creamy beige skin texture.


Gently squeezing the pliable herb, Ji Wuye opened his mouth wide and consumed it in one large gulp.


[!] You have consumed a one-year-old Ginseng!


[!] A portion of your Qi was restored!


Just as the transparent prompt indicated, a refreshing cool wave washed over Ji Wuye's depleted Lower Dantian, akin to biting into the juicy flesh of a perfectly ripe mango.


He could feel the invigorating liquid rushing in, imbued with an intoxicating sweetness that was almost cloying, filling his core and even causing a faint urge to relieve himself - one of the lesser-known side effects of such potent ginseng that most were unfamiliar with due to its scarcity and exorbitant cost.


"Not bad...I've regained approximately half of my Qi," Ji Wuye murmured with grim satisfaction as the restorative effects took hold.


But as the initial burst of replenished energy faded, he noticed another profound effect emanating from the soft herb.


A wash of soothing, familiar warmth bloomed outward from his stomach, enveloping his entire body.


Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to fully embrace the comforting sensation as it not only began knitting together the scorched flesh of his wounds, but also repairing the internal damage to his organs.


[!] A portion of your injuries has been healed!


"So it's really true..." Ji Wuye mused in quiet wonder, acknowledging the veracity of yet another lesser-known property of consuming raw, immature ginseng that even his Senior had only hinted at.


His momentary relief was short-lived however, as the once brilliant azure sky above darkened ominously, roiling storm clouds quickly blotting out the light as fat raindrops began pelting down to drench his entire body...

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*Chi (尺) - Equal to approximately 30 cm. Commonly used along with zhang to describe object lengths, room dimensions, etc.