Chapter 15


The morning air was alive with the cheerful melodies of songbirds, their trills seeming to dance among the gently rustling leaves overhead.


Ji Wuye walked the ancient cobblestone path, each step leaving a faint echo in the tranquil courtyard. Warm rays of golden sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, casting a gentle illuminating glow that caressed his handsome features.


The sun had only just peeked over the horizon, and yet the Outer Disciple courtyard was already a flurry of activity when Ji Wuye arrived. Several young disciples dressed in the white martial robes moved about, engaged in their morning routines and exercises.


"Junior Ji~"


"Brother Ji~"


No sooner had he stepped into the open space than Ji Wuye found himself swarmed by a bevy of young ladies, surrounding him from all sides like a whirlpool of floral perfumes and brightly colored silks. Their voices mingled in a chorus of concern and relief.


"Are you alright?" One piped up, her delicate hand grasping his sleeve.


"I'm so glad you're still alive," another chimed in, brushing an errant strand of hair from his face with familial tenderness.


Soon, their hands were everywhere - patting his shoulders, straightening his robes, even daring to caress his cheeks that were squished between the soft pillows of their chests.


The heady aromas of rosemary and sweet blossoms filled his senses, blending with the plush sensations enveloping him.


"Ugh..." Ji Wuye mumbled, struggling for breath amidst the well-intentioned fussing. "Senior Sisters, Big Sisters, I can't breathe."


His muffled words seemed to fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the rising tide of feminine fretting. It was only to be expected.


Known as the weakest disciple in the sect, his safety had been a grave concern when the Tower of the Gods appeared, forcing all to enter its trials.


"I heard you got bullied by Qin Bai. Tell me what he did to you - this Senior Sister will take revenge," one voice rose above the clamor, stern yet laced with a fierce protectiveness.


Ji Wuye turned to see Lian RuoGang, an exquisite vision framed by flowing midnight tresses that danced like silken waves in the morning light.


When the sun's rays struck her hair at just the right angle, hints of fiery sunrise seemed to blaze within the ebony strands cascading past her shoulders.


Her face could have inspired artistic masters to immortalize her beauty - pale, flawless skin like porcelain offset by rose petal lips and captivating azure eyes that seemed to ebb and flow like the tide beckoned by the moon's call.


Garbed in a white martial robe adorned with azure stripes befitting her status as an Official Disciple, Lian RuoGang favored Ji Wuye as she kept come to the Outer Disciple courtyard, just to oversee her Junior Brother's training.


Her words sparked a flicker of recollection in Ji Wuye's mind, memories of their interactions from the previous time line.


A warm, affectionate smile tugged at his lips before he even realized it. "I'm alright, Senior Sister Lian," he replied, his tone carrying a newfound maturity and subtle fondness that caused the gaggle of Seniors and Big Sisters surrounding him to freeze, taken aback.


"Ah look, our Junior is stolen by Senior Sister Lian!"


"Ugh... so this is the feeling of your man being taken right before your eyes."


Teasing laughter and joking remarks filled the courtyard, snapping Ji Wuye out of his momentary daze. Before he could so much as blink, a flick landed squarely on his forehead with a sharp snap.


"Ugh!" Ji Wuye's crimson eyes went wide as Lian RuoGang turned away, her ears burning a vibrant crimson that clashed beautifully with her midnight tresses.


" can't say that word anymore!" she reminded sternly, though the wavering lilt of embarrassment in her tone only incited another peal of giggles from the observing rest of Sisters.


The flick from an Official Disciple of the 4th realm or above was no joking matter. Despite his arduous body training, a dull throbbing ache blossomed where her fingertip had connected.


"Look...look, Brother Ji, I got this hidden art from a shop in the Tower," one of the Senior Sisters interjected, deftly drawing upon her Qi as a flickering ember of golden flames danced to life in her upturned palm.


The tiny display immediately captured the rapt attention of the rest of Sisters.


" it's true."


"I just heard the rumors. They said you can buy Inner Arts from the Tower's shops?"


When Ji Wuye observed this display of the hidden art, he realized most of the disciples were finally becoming aware of the existence of the mystical shops within the Tower of the Gods.


There had been no guidance or introduction provided on how to utilize the various features from the Tower of the God.


'This meant someone must have already stumbled upon the purpose of the strange coins they received after clearing two consecutive challenges within the Tower's floors.,' he thought inwardly.


If those coins served no tangible use, why would they be handed out as rewards?


'It wouldn't be long until the rest of the disciples unraveled the mystery of the inventory system,' The realization caused a faint smile to tug at the corners of Ji Wuye's lips.


However, the heartwarming scene in the courtyard was suddenly shattered by a harsh shout echoing from the far side of the grounds.


"You... Where are your manners in front of your Senior!" The gruff, reprimanding tone belonged to a man who was currently glaring down at a young lady standing before him.


"You're not even a Senior, and you're trying to order me to massage your shoulder?" The woman's reply dripped with utter disgust, her voice carrying clearly across the space.


When Ji Wuye's gaze found the source of the confrontation, he immediately recognized the familiar trio surrounding the equally familiar figure of Song Jia.


Sudden murmurs and whispers rippled through the gathered seniors and disciples.


"Junior Sister Song..."


"How dare those dogs bark at this time..."


Many of the Big Sisters and Senior Sisters who overheard Song Jia's defiant retort felt a flare of indignation on her behalf, their faces twisting into looks of outrage at such disrespect being shown.

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