Chapter 16


The leader of the arrogant trio, Qin Bai, whose cruel eyes had menaced Ji Wuye before, now turned his sneering gaze upon Song Jia.


With a contemptuous curl of his lips, he spoke in a tone dripping with disdain, "You have a bold tongue, speaking to your Seniors that way. Let's see if your skills match your audacious courage."


Song Jia met his taunting glare with a defiant fire burning in her eyes. Her fists clenched tightly at her sides as she retorted, "Say what you want, but your empty words won't intimidate me. I accept your challenge willingly if you wish to spar." Her words rang out clearly, jaw set in resolve.


The once-deserted Outer Disciple courtyard, which had been still as a graveyard moments before, suddenly came alive with hushed murmurs and the soft shuffling of feet as the first rays of dawn pierced the horizon.


More and more disciples streamed in, alerted by the rising quarrel, as they gathered for the impending start of the morning's training exercises.


All eyes turned towards the confrontation at the center.


"Eh...Is that Martial Sister Song? Why is she shouting so early?" a bewildered voice wondered aloud.


"Look, it seems she's being bullied!" another disciple exclaimed in disapproval, their brows furrowed with concern.


The murmuring rose like a swelling tide as more onlookers arrived and finally decided to intervene.


"Martial Brothers and Sisters, please stop," male disciples rushed forward, their hands gently but firmly restraining the agitated Qin Bai and his underlings.


Meanwhile, the surrounding female disciples moved to calm the raging Song Jia, though her fiery glare remained locked on her antagonist, defiance etched onto her features.


However, the would-be peacemakers were merely fellow Outer Disciples whose power paled in comparison.


Under Qin Bai's withering glare, the men grudgingly released their grips, forced to back away.


"Hmph!" With a disdainful sneer, Qin Bai's eyes raked over Song Jia from head to toe in a display of shameless appraisal.


While Qin Bai lacked immense skill, having just broken into the 2nd realm, his newfound strength allowed him to easily brush off the feeble interference.


The cowed disciples could do little more than grumble and shoot resentful glances his way.


"Tsk...That Qin Bai...Just because he advanced a realm, he acts so arrogant now..."


"But he's willing to risk the sect's ire over using it on the training tower as intended..."


The disdainful whispers swirled all around, glares of reproach aimed at Qin Bai's turned back as the disciples reluctantly parted before him like a receding tide.


All eyes then turned towards the gathered Outer Disciple Seniors observing the scene with folded arms and impassive expressions.


"But why aren't the Seniors intervening?" Confusion tinged the words as they wondered why the more powerful disciples remained idle spectators.


Emboldened by the lack of repercussion from the higher realm Outer Disciples Seniors, Qin Bai's sneer stretched into a cruel, satisfied grin.


He deluded himself that these esteemed Seniors were actually extending him a perverse approval by allowing this confrontation to proceed unhindered.


Yet he understood that egregious actions like ganging up against a single disciple would certainly attract disciplinary intervention, even from them.


For this was the Kunlun Sect, a bastion of righteous and orthodox teachings where senseless killing between disciples was strictly prohibited.


By the sect's tenets, they were all bound as Martial Sisters and Brothers, expected to respect and look upon each other as beloved family. However, when disputes did arise, they could be resolved through sanctioned duels or bouts of sparring.


"Excellent," Qin Bai flashed a sadistic grin, calloused palms flexing in premature celebration. "We'll see how long that boldness of yours lasts once you're beaten into the dirt where you belong."


A chorus of dismayed gasps and angry outcries erupted from the surrounding female disciples.


"Sister Song, don't mind his vile words..."


"That's right, treat his taunts like a passing wind!"


They glared at Qin Bai and his cronies with a potent mixture of disapproval and concern, shuffling protectively closer to Song Jia's side.


Unlike their male counterparts who had advanced higher but displayed a disinterested aloofness, the female disciples - even those of the 3rd realm - unanimously rallied behind their wronged Sister, creating an unspoken pressure that caused beads of nervous sweat to prickle on Qin Bai's brow.


Sensing the rising tension, the surrounding Sisters looked imploringly at Song Jia, worry etched on their faces as they recognized the all-too-familiar flames of her fiery temper.


Yet they knew any attempts to dissuade her would be as effective as dousing a wildfire with a cup of water.


With gentle but firm motions, Song Jia waved off their concerns, patting their hands in reassurance. "It's alright, Sisters," she murmured, the barest hint of a smirk playing across her lips as her gaze met Qin Bai's unflinchingly.


"We also need to teach a lesson to these arrogant men who think only with their lower bodily urges." Then, with a slight squaring of her shoulders, she purposefully strode forward until she stood mere inches before Qin Bai, eyes alight with conviction.


"I'm not so easily defeated!" Song Jia shouted defiantly, her eyes blazing with challenge as she sneered back at Qin Bai.


Thrusting her fist out mere inches from his face, she taunted, "Come at me then, if you dare. Or are you all just empty boasts like the spineless cowards you are?"


Her words hung in the charged air, daring him to make the first move. The surrounding disciples watched with bated breath, the tension thick enough to choke on.


Meanwhile, from a respectful distance away, Ji Wuye observed the escalating conflict with sharp eyes.


It was then that he finally noticed the approach of his Senior Sister Lian Ruogang, her blue eyes - the piercing hue of the deepest oceans - scanning the unfolding scene with a slight crease marring her brow.


"Sigh, I came to see you, Junior Brother, but..." Her gaze swept over the gathered crowd before her frown deepened at the conspicuous absence of Brother Wu Gao, who should have been overseeing the morning drills.


"At this hour, where is Brother Wu..."


Finding the supervisor mysteriously missing, Lian Ruogang could only shake her head in dismay before straightening her shoulders and striding forward with purpose.


She would have to take charge and resolve this unruly situation herself.


"Stop this at once," she called out in a tone that brooked no argument as she neared the confrontation. Both parties immediately turned towards the authoritative voice, eyes widening as they recognized the respected figure before them.


"This junior greets Senior Sister Lian!" They chorused respectfully, bowing in deference.


Though there were countless Official Disciples, Lian's frequent visits to check on Ji Wuye's progress made her a familiar presence. Even without the dark blue striped patterns denoting her rank adorning her robes, the Outer Disciples could identify her at a glance.


"I must remind all disciples here that unrestrained combat between Brothers and Sisters is strictly forbidden by the sect's tenets," Lian declared, her ocean-blue eyes radiating reproach as they swept over the unruly gathering.


"If you wish to settle your grievances, do so through the proper channels of a sanctioned sparring match."


Though she held no formal disciplinary position, as an Official Disciple her authority could not be ignored lightly. At her stern admonition, a hush fell over the previously raucous crowd.


"Ah, Senior Sister Lian! You've arrived at last!"


"With an elite like her overseeing it now, let's see how Qin Bai responds in front of everyone!"


Excited murmurs rippled through the throngs of onlookers, especially from the male disciples who had been at the brunt of Qin Bai's bullying before. They eagerly awaited how the arrogant youth would react under the disapproving scrutiny of an Official Disciple.



As this unfolded, Ji Wuye continued observing keenly from the outskirts, finally bearing witness as Qin Bai and Song Jia came to an agreement. With curt nods, they distanced themselves, clearing a space to serve as an impromptu sparring ring.


"Let's see how the 'dark horse' among these so-called geniuses fares," Ji Wuye mused under his breath, sauntering forward to secure a better vantage point amidst the tightly-packed crowd.


Once an adequate area had been outlined, both combatants bowed and cupped their hands formally to one another before being handed regulation wooden practice swords.


As the blunted weapons exchanged hands, Ji Wuye's crimson eyes glinted as a translucent window flickered into view at the edge of his vision.


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