Chapter 26


In the next moment, as if not yet finished and unwilling to merely counter her martial art move, Ji Wuye began to imitate her posture with uncanny precision under Song Jia's shocked gaze, her mouth agape in disbelief. His movements mirrored hers flawlessly, resembling her reflection in a still pond.


Taking a slow, deep breath, Song Jia watched transfixed as Ji Wuye relaxed his stance to mirror her position perfectly— his knees bent, balanced on the balls of his feet, with his wooden sword arm held loose yet ready, every muscle poised to strike.


The way he held himself, the subtle shifts in his breathing, all echoed her own with eerie accuracy.


'It's too perfect!' she shouted inwardly as her fingers trembled slightly as she pointed them at him, still unable to believe what her own eyes were witnessing. "" She stuttered, taking an involuntary step back, her mind reeling.


Shaking off that useless thought, Song Jia solemnly met Ji Wuye's gaze once again before executing her sword art with fluid grace.


Pulse of Blade - First Move, Gentle Breeze!




From Ji Wuye's perspective, he noticed Song Jia's form once again disappearing, her body turning blurry as she harnessed her Qi. But he could sense the subtle shifts in her breathing and posture, closing his eyes slightly to immerse himself in heightened focus.


Opening his eyes, he was greeted by Song Jia initiating a circular overhead slash towards him, her blade whistling through the air.


The wooden sword, now mimicking a real sword, gave the impression of a razor-sharp edge aimed at his forehead. Yet, even as it descended, he observed the slightest change in trajectory, with her wrist subtly adjusting the angle of attack.


In response, he moved in perfect tandem, channeling spirals of Qi from his Lower Dantian throughout his body, guiding his movements with preternatural precision.




Their wooden blades met, the impact sending a gust of wind that blew dust into their faces.


Song Jia's finely arched eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at Ji Wuye's accurate imitation of her opening Gentle Breeze technique.


The disbelief etched on her delicate features deepened as her body once again seemed to blur, the swords spun through the air in mirrored rotations, neither gaining an advantage. 'Not yet!' she shouted inwardly.


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye's brow furrowed in intense concentration, carefully observing every minuscule move Song Jia made, his eyes tracking the intricate dance of her sword like a hawk stalking its prey.


Beads of sweat formed on his brow from the intensity of their exchange, glistening in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees.


Across from him, frustration tightened the corners of Song Jia's mouth as her finely honed techniques were matched at every turn by this mysterious stranger. Her brows knitted deeper with each clash…








Their wooden blades colliding, the force of their blows even sending tremors up her arms.


The battle raged on, the clashing of wooden blades echoing through the courtyard as the sun slowly sank below the horizon.


Song Jia launched technique after technique at Ji Wuye, varying her speed and angles of attack with dizzying complexity, but he continued to anticipate and mirror her movements perfectly, as if he could predict her every intent.


"Ha…ha…ha…" Exhaustion gradually took hold of Song Jia's body, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as sweat poured down her flushed face. Her swings became sloppier, her footwork less sure as fatigue set in.


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye showed no outward signs of tiring, his movements remaining fluid and precise, an unshakable calm settling over his features.


Until at last, after what seemed like hours locked in their deadly dance, the sky turned an inky black, glittering stars adorning the night sky like tiny jewels strewn across a velvet canvas.


Ji Wuye stood beneath the night sky, calmly looking down at Song Jia, who lay sprawled on the ground, stretching her hands out and breathing heavily, her chest heaving.


"I…i-I'm l…lose!" she admitted at last, her gaze filled with a mixture of pain and unwillingness as she bit her lower lip, tasting the tang of exertion. The words felt like ash on her tongue, bitter with the sting of defeat.


In stark contrast to Song Jia's disheveled state, with her white martial robe covered in dust and disarray, Ji Wuye's clothes remained neat and pristine, and his breath steady, as if he had merely been taking a leisurely stroll.


He withdrew the wooden sword from where it had been pointed at Song Jia's neck, the implicit threat now lifted.


"Thank you for your guidance, Sister Song," he said, cupping his hands together and pointing the tip of the wooden sword downward in a gesture of respect.


With surprising gentleness, he reached down and helped the exhausted Song Jia to her feet, and they exchanged bows.




Meanwhile, from Song Jia's perspective…


She remained on the ground for a few moments longer, catching her breath as disbelief swirled in her mind like a tempest.


How was any of this possible? In all her years of rigorous training, honing her skills to a razor's edge, she had never encountered anyone who could so flawlessly match and counter her Master's sword art.


The implications of Ji Wuye's uncanny abilities made her stomach turn.


As she finally stood on shaking legs to return his bow, her thoughts raced, a maelstrom of questions buffeting her from all sides.


Who or what was this man? She stared intently at Ji Wuye, searching his composed face for any clues, but it revealed nothing out of the ordinary, a mask of polite calm.


A million questions bubbled up within her, desperate for answers, but bone-deep exhaustion overwhelmed her in that moment.


After exchanging bows, she turned and left without another word, unable to even broach the subject of how high is Ji Wuye's martial realm or how he could so perfectly imitate and defend against her Master's sword art.




Back to the present…


Ji Wuye watched as Song Jia's figure slowly blurred into the distance, a small smile curling upon his lips. "That's a nice sword art," he murmured appreciatively.


[!] You have successfully analyzed and replicated Pulse of Blade - First Move, Gentle Breeze sword art!



The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill has been inc...




As the transparent notification screens flickered rapidly before his eyes, Ji Wuye felt a strange influx of information pouring into his brain, as if knowledge were being directly imprinted onto his consciousness.


His gaze trembled slightly before he took a deep, steadying breath and sat down cross-legged on the ground.


"Ha!" He exhaled heavily, his breathing suddenly becoming erratic, his heart pounding in his chest as his body temperature spiked. The sensations washed over him in an overwhelming wave before subsiding just as quickly, leaving him slightly disoriented.



Congratulations! The skill Quick Adaptation(F) has evolved into -> Quick Adaptation(E)!


"Heh... That's quite a leap," he thought to himself, a smile forming inwardly as a sense of satisfaction blossomed within him. The next transparent screen began overlapping the current one, displaying the upgraded details of his newly evolved skill.



Type: Passive skill

1st: You can copy and analyze all the attack patterns of your opponent!

2nd: Your vision will not be affected or obscured by any environmental or elemental changes!


Upon seeing the greatly enhanced effects of the Quick Adaptation skill, Ji Wuye paused for a moment before bursting into delighted laughter that rang through the courtyard. "Hahaha! So this is what they call a fraudulent skill!"


A wide, excited smile stretched across his face as he felt a surge of exhilaration from how far his abilities had advanced.


His hand trembled slightly, the thrill of excitement coursing through his veins as the true extent of his newly upgraded abilities sank in. His chest felt tight, constricted by the sheer weight of happiness and anticipation for the new heights his powers could reach.


Unbeknownst to Ji Wuye in that moment, caught up in visions of his boundless potential, he found himself lying on his back on the cold, unforgiving ground, gazing up at the vast tapestry of glittering stars that blanketed the night sky.


His eyes shone with fierce determination, alight with the flames of ambition stoked by the profound evolution he had just experienced.


"This is only the beginning..." he murmured, the words carrying a weighty finality as they escaped his lips in a hushed exhalation.

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