Chapter 27


After several moments, the night grew darker, signaling that the time for the Tower challenge was finally upon them.


[!] Time's up! You will now be forcefully transported into the Tower of God!


Returning to the private lobby, Ji Wuye felt the ache in his muscles intensify with each step, the fatigue from an intense training session weighing heavily upon him.


He winced slightly, his brow furrowing as the dull throbbing pain radiated through his body. However, the discomfort gradually subsided as the soothing effects of the Tower healing took hold.


A gentle green light soon enveloped his entire form, its warm glow pulsating in rhythm with his slowing breaths, replacing the lingering effects of exertion with a renewed sense of vitality.

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[!] All temporary injuries had been healed!


[!] You have 30 minutes remaining before being teleported to the third floor!


"Floor 3..." Ji Wuye muttered, rubbing his forehead as he remembered the contents of the third floor, his voice a low rumble in the stillness of the lobby. But first of all, he needed to check his stats...



[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 13

[->] Strength: 42

[->] Agility: 41

[->] Qi: 36

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(E)

- Healing Art Primer(1st)(E)

- Cloudsoaring Steps(1st)(E)

- Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??)


"Indeed, it's listed in the skill section," Ji Wuye remarked, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as his gaze fell upon the new entry at the bottom, the characters glowing faintly on the ethereal display before him.


Unlike the sword art and inner art given by the Kunlun sect prior to the appearance of the Tower, or when Ji Wuye first joined the sect, this skill was obtained through Quick Adaptation, a method facilitated by the Tower itself.


It was only natural for the Tower to acknowledge it, especially since this sword art was originally used by the legendary Emperor himself and passed down to Song Jia through his disciple.


"Well, more like copying and stealing," Ji Wuye chuckled, a deep rumble of amusement escaping his lips as he ran a hand through his tousled white hair.


This was a stroke of luck. Back then, in the previous time line, caught in the maelstrom of events, he didn't even have time to properly interact with Song Jia, let alone learn the intricacies of his art.


A formidable sword art, which is why the Tower promptly recognized it as a skill with undetermined rank, its arcane algorithms deeming it worthy of acknowledgment.

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"Although being recognized doesn't make much of a difference, not to mention this is just a copy and only the first stage, but still..." Ji Wuye trailed off.


The only advantage of having a martial art recognized by the tower was...


Ji Wuye interrupted his own train of thought, shifting his focus to scrutinize his stats with a critical eye. "Let's discuss that later..." he muttered, his brow furrowing slightly as he examined the numbers before him.


Most of his stats were satisfactory, even decent by most standards. And yet, a flicker of dissatisfaction danced across his features.


"But these decent stats fall short of my standard..." The words left his lips in a hushed whisper, a steely resolve hardening his gaze as that thought took root.


With a deft motion of his hand, he opened the menu, and a transparent screen materialized before him, bathing his face in a faint, ethereal glow.



TOG COINS: 5.245

Mana Potions - 50 coins

Health Potions - 50 coins

Fire Essence Pills - 75 coins

Tiger Bones - 100 coins

Jade Spirit Grass - 150 coins

Snake Venom Sac - 200 coins

Phoenix Feather - 300 coins

Earth Dragon Scale - 500 coins

Training Wooden Sword - 75 coins

Bronze Dagger - 100 coins

Steel Shortsword - 150 coins

Leather Padding Armor - 125 coins

Chainmail Hauberk - 250 coins

Buckler Shield - 100 coins

Iron Round Shield - 150 coins

Minor Mana Potion - 75 coins

Lesser Stamina Potion - 50 coins

Healing Salve - 50 coins

Antitoxin Vial - 75 coins

Thieves' Lockpicks - 25 coins

Trail Rations - 10 coins

Waterskin - 15 coins

Torch - 15 coins

Whetstone - 20 coins


Seeing the extensive list, the first thing that caught Ji Wuye's eye was the staggering amount of coins he possessed.


A sardonic chuckle escaped his lips as he reminisced about his previous reluctance to spend any of his hard-earned wealth in the previous time line, a relic of a time when such riches seemed like an absurd, unattainable dream.


"Heh!" The derisive bark of laughter reverberated in the stillness of the lobby, tinged with a hint of self-deprecation.


But the mirth quickly faded, replaced by a sense of joy that blossomed warmly in his chest, and he allowed himself a heartier laugh.


A moment later, refocusing his attention on the item list, his eyes widened in surprise, his mouth hanging agape as he took in the rare treasures on offer.


"Tiger Bones... and even Earth Dragon Scale..." The words tumbled from his lips, laced with a mixture of awe and disbelief.


The items available in this third-floor shop were incredibly rare, including precious commodities like Earth Dragon Scales and Tiger Bones that were highly valued and sought-after in Jianghu.


He felt the temptation to acquire them, to add such potent resources to his inventory, but...


"Tsk, I need to save for 'that'." The sound of his tongue clicking against his teeth punctuated the thought, a reminder of his true priorities.


After experiencing the profound effects of the Healing Art Primer and realizing that his dreams could indeed come true with wise coin management, he knew these items, although tempting, paled in comparison to the long-term investments he had in mind.


Ji Wuye's gaze sharpened, gaze settling over his features as he made his decision. "Then, for optimal results in the third floor trial, I'll need these three items..."


[!] You have purchased item: Antitoxin Vial x2!


[!] You have purchased item: Snake Venom Sac x3!


[!] You have purchased item: Torch!


"Ugh…" As the notifications flickered across his vision, Ji Wuye felt a pang of internal distress wash over him as he observed the depletion of his coin reserves.


However, he swiftly regained his composure, closing his eyes and taking a deep, steadying breath as he centered himself, calming the turbulence within.


"High risk, high return!" The words left his lips in a determined murmur, a mantra to reaffirm his conviction as he opened his eyes once more, resolve burning brightly in their depths.


With a deft motion, he opened his inventory, and a new transparent screen materialized before him.



Jian double-edge sword

Healing Pill

1 Years-old Gingseng


Snake Venom Sac x3

Antitoxin Vial x2 


At least he still had the One-Year-Old Ginseng and Healing Pill, precious resources that could prove invaluable in the trials ahead.


But as his gaze fell upon his trusty jian, a flicker of hesitation danced across his features, a momentary lapse in his unwavering determination.


"Should I replace it too?" The question hung in the air, unvoiced yet palpable, as Ji Wuye's attention shifted between the shop screen and the inventory list, weighing his options with a critical eye.


Summoning the jian into his hand, he squinted, bringing the blade close to his face as he carefully examined it. The steel gleamed dully, its once-pristine edge bearing the unmistakable signs of wear from frequent use, yet its strength remained undiminished.


"It still looks good... well..." A forced smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he gave a satisfied nod, storing the weapon away once more and dismissing the transparent screen with a flick of his wrist.


Ji Wuye took a deep breath, steeling his resolve as he straightened his posture, a sense of readiness settling over him like a mantle. "I am ready."


[!] With 20 minutes remaining, are you certain you wish to enter to third floor at this moment?

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