Chapter 37


Examined the list of new skills, Ji Wuye's pupi slightly flickered as he murmured the names "Arcane Fortitude...Flowing Water Forms..."


A look of initial admiration flashed across his face, but it quickly turned into a skeptical frown. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, regarding the skill names with suspicion.


'What is this? Is this 'privilege'?' he questioned inwardly, his mind laced with doubt.


Despite the high pricing and grades listed, he was unfamiliar with all of these skills except for the two he had mentioned earlier. The rest seemed utterly foreign to him.


To compensate for his lack of innate talent, he, who had reached the 50th floor in the previous timeline, almost knew all the famous figures' skills or martial arts. In the previous timeline, people would openly share how they acquired their skills or what the names of their skills were.


Then, if there was a skill unfamiliar to him, it meant...


'The rest seem like trash. Maybe no one bought them because they were worthless,'


The unlocked restrictions didn't feel like a special privilege at all. Instead, it felt more like a random gamble, with various stones laid out on a table, only one of which held a valuable jade while the others were mere empty rocks.


The tempting number of coins displayed on the screen, coupled with the long, grandiose titles of these skills, had briefly captured his attention, but now he regarded them with wariness.


'Well, let's take a closer look at these first...' he muttered inwardly, his brow furrowing in concentration.


This time, he had no prior knowledge of these skills to guide him. He would have to make careful decisions, considering various factors.


Methodically, he began selecting skills with longer names, and as a result, a few transparent displays appeared beneath the main shop screen.


[>>[Novice Chi Techniques]<<]

Type: Passive skill - Internal Art

Stage: Chi Sensing (1st Stage)

Focuses on basic breathing and meditation exercises to stimulate qi flow within the martial artist's Dantians and meridian pathways.


Ji Wuye's eyes narrowed as he examined the description. 'Hmm, another internal art, but it's graded as D rank,'


The concepts seemed typical, similar to most internal arts he was familiar with. However, the Tower's grading system had given this internal art a D rank, indicating some potential.


Sadly, Ji Wuye had already established his foundation in Kunlun internal art, a fact that caused him to shake his head in disappointment.


His lips pressed into a thin line as he waved the skill off dismissively. 'Very unfortunate, and also I already have another spot reserved for an internal art, so...'


Before he could finish his thought, another skill immediately appeared on the screen, its description floating before his eyes.


[>>[Mountain Style Stances]<<]

Type: Passive skill - External Art

Stage: Foothills Posture (1st Stage)

Originating from observations of Mountain Hermits, who mimic the solid roots and unwavering endurance of high peaks, the low, weighted stances are believed to fortify one's foundations akin to mountains and provide resilience against attacks, much like the rugged faces of cliffs.


"Hmm..." he murmured, stroking his chin. 'Based on the name and description, it appears to prioritize the development of physical form and positions rather than internal energy exercises.'


As he contemplated this, the image of a formidable martial artist flashed through his mind, someone who practiced a similar style or matched the description of Mountain Style Stances. Ji Wuye nodded slowly, recalling the fighter's capabilities.


'He's fast, and I recall his rooted stance could withstand direct hits or even enable seemingly teleportation-like movements when using advanced qinggong techniques,'


It seemed like a wise choice, and Ji Wuye found himself nodding in agreement.


However, a slight frown creased his brow as another thought occurred to him. 'If I buy this, I might not have enough for 'that' skill...' he thought, then adding it to his wish list before proceeding to the next skill.


Before he could examine it further, another translucent screen promptly appeared in front of him, the words flashing with a sense of urgency.

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[!] You have 20 minutes left before you are teleported back to your world!


"Ah, time is running out..." Ji Wuye glanced at the remaining time, his jaw tightening. Instead of reviewing each skill separately, he quickly summoned a couple of them into his view, his eyes scanning the descriptions rapidly.


[>>[Mystic Sight Incantation]<<]

Type: Passive skill - External Art

Stage: Human Eyes (1st Stage)

A martial technique involving a sequence of mantras and visualizations designed to awaken the third eye and enhance spiritual senses. With mastery, practitioners can perceive astral projections, see through illusions, and detect life forces and energies invisible to ordinary vision.


[>>[Pressure Point Target Practice]<<]

Type: Passive skill - Mixed Martial Arts

Stage: One Points for All (1st Stage)

A technique that integrates knowledge of meridian placement, Qi flows, and pressure points.


These were the remaining skills, the ones that had caught Ji Wuye's curiosity amidst the myriad of options laid before him. His brow furrowed as he weighed the pros and cons, his mind racing against the ticking clock.


Ji Wuye's gaze flickered towards the skills Arcane Fortitude and Flowing Water Forms, as mentioned earlier. He seemed to consider them for a moment before shaking his head.


'Since I already possess similar martial arts, it's better for me to wait for higher floors,'


Arcane Fortitude appeared to have effects akin to his existing Healing Art Primer, while Flowing Water Forms resembled his Cloudsoaring Steps in terms of dodging or utilizing high-level Qigong techniques.


With similar skills already in his arsenal, he deemed it wise to hold off on acquiring these for the time being.


Shifting his attention, Ji Wuye began examining Mystic Sight Incantation. As he read the description, detailing the ability to perceive astral projections, see through illusions, and detect invisible life forces and energies, an intrigued expression crossed his features.


The effects seemed unexpectedly impressive, capturing his interest.


'Encountering astral opponents, whether inside or outside the tower, is common and presents a difficult challenge due to their transparency or even being undetectable,' stroking his chin thoughtfully. 'It's a highly versatile skill applicable in any situation.'


However, a slight frown creased his brow as he thought, 'However, I already have Quick Adaptation.'


Moving on to the next one, Pressure Point Target Practice, Ji Wuye's initially bored and dejected expression brightened like flickering stars as he read the description. A smile tugged at his lips, his eyes gleaming with recognition and no hint of hesitation.


"Well... I believe I've found the hidden gems here..." With a swift motion, he acquired the newly discovered skill.

‎ ‎‎ 

[!] You have purchased skill Pressure Point Target Practice(D)!


Simultaneously, he made sure not to overlook acquiring the skill he had been aiming for from the very beginning.


[!] You have purchased skill Feline Reflexes(E)!

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[!] Congratulations, you have uncovered a hidden skill!



The skill previously disguised as "Pressure Point Target Practice" has now been revealed as its true name, "Pressure Form Perfection Style (D)"!


'Huh? Wait... wait,' Blinking his eyes several times in surprise. 'The name... Pressure Form Perfection...'


He was clearly shocked by this unexpected revelation, but as he read the new name, a smirk formed on his lips, understanding dawning in his eyes. 'Wait... don't tell me... Isn't this the martial art used by that person?'


The one renowned as a once-in-a-millennium genius... The man who led the forces... and the one who...


The shock and confusion quickly dissipated, replaced by a determined gaze as he uttered a single name, "Du Chen..."


Ji Wuye's eyes gleamed, "I never realized your signature move came from this martial art..."


In truth, he held no deep-seated grudge against the renowned prodigy. His lingering resentment stemmed from the fact that Du Chen had, stolen away his fiance, Mu Lan Rou.


However, as the years passed, Ji Wuye had gradually released those feelings, letting go of the hurt and betrayal. A rueful smile played on his lips as he acknowledged the transient nature of such attachments.


As he contemplated Du Chen's trade mark skill, a tinge of bitterness crept into his voice. "They were granted every resource, force, supply, and even the provisions for their armies."


A shake of his head, his expression hardening. "They had access to the finest training facilities and instructors."


Yet, despite all those advantages, all that overwhelming support and privilege, they had ultimately been defeated by a single individual. Ji Wuye's fist clenched unconsciously, his jaw tightening.


"It's truly a shame, all of this..." he murmured, his gaze distant, unfocused. "Because he..." A pause, a heavy exhalation. "Or simply put, 'he's too naive!'"

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