Chapter 38




Returning to his world, Ji Wuye felt the chilly night breeze caress his skin, sending a brief shiver down his spine.


He stretched his arms backward and leaned forward, inhaling deeply to fill his lungs with the crisp, invigorating air.


His crimson eyes fixed intently on the bright silver moon hanging in the inky black sky, its radiant glow casting an ethereal light over the courtyard.


Lost in the depths of his contemplation, he pondered the gravity of his recent extraordinary experience.


Is it okay?


That was the first question that surfaced in his mind, a crease forming between his furrowed brows. He wondered if it was truly acceptable for him to wield such immense power.


In the previous timeline, he had never ventured into the abandoned courtyard nor crossed paths with Qin Bai in that bridge. Their first fateful encounter happened only after Song Jia had triumphed over Qin Bai, just as they were about to start their morning exercise.


Now, the course had shifted—not only did he no longer stay entirely at the Outer Disciple courtyard, but he had also inadvertently piqued Song Jia's curiosity and attention.


This raised uncertainties whether his actions could significantly alter the flow of events from the timeline he knew.


Furthermore, vivid memories resurfaced of the previous timeline where sheer luck had granted him victory over Qin Bai, though not without sustaining several injuries in the process.


'Things might be different, but I believe the major events will remain the same as long as I don't stand out too much,' he muttered under his breath, the words seeming to hang in the still night air.


The reason he was anxious and persistent about staying low-key was solely because his only advantage was his knowledge of the future or the knowledge from the previous timeline.


Once that advantage was gone, things he wouldn't want to happen might become reality. If possible, he wanted a change—a change for himself and for those he truly cared about.


But then one thought popped into his mind...


'I need more power; I need to grow stronger,' Ji Wuye thought inwardly. Only then would he not need to fear change, and would he be able to fulfill his personal wish.


For a fleeting moment, he fell into a trance-like state before snapping back to reality, suddenly recalling the skill he had received as a reward.


'I forgot about that because,' he thought inwardly, the hint of a smile playing on his lips as he settled beside the neatly stacked training logs.


With a subtle flick of his wrist, a translucent screen materialized before him, displaying the details of his newly acquired skill.


[>>[Deflecting Blows]<<]

Type: Passive skill

Negate damage from any physical attack once per instance (1/1), while still retaining the impact.


The calm expression on Ji Wuye's face froze, his eyes misting over as he stared unblinkingly at the screen, processing the profound implications of this formidable skill.


'Well…well…well...' he breathed, stunned into silence by the revelation, his smile freezing in place.


"A negate attack, what a useful skill!" he finally exclaimed while clicked his tongue.


Suddenly, as he examined the skill more closely, his smile gradually faded, replaced by a sharp, scrutinizing gaze that narrowed in on the door of the abandoned courtyard.


He noticed a solitary figure slowly approaching under the shadow of the dark night outside his abandoned courtyard, their footsteps muffled by the dense silence that had descended over the area.


The way the approaching figure moved felt hauntingly familiar, and a name immediately sprang to Ji Wuye's mind.


'Song Jia?' He narrowed his eyes, hesitating for a moment as he noted the person's height didn't quite match his recollection.


"Hmm? Wh-" Just as his crimson eyes were about to glow, indicating the activation of his Quick Adaptation skill, the stranger rushed in, prompting Ji Wuye to instinctively draw his jian, muscles tensing as he prepared for an attack.


'An ambush, huh?' His crimson eyes gleamed coldly, sharp as steel, as he readied himself to strike at the first sign of hostility.


Simultaneously, his Quick Adaptation activated, unveiling the mysterious figure. Coincidentally, the figure was finally illuminated by the moon's ethereal glow, revealing their appearance.


But then, Ji Wuye paused, the blade halting just before being fully unsheathed.With a fluid motion, he withdrew his sword, recognition dawning upon him.


"Junior~" a soft, feminine voice called out.


"Sen-" Ji Wuye began, only to be cut off.




Surprise flickered across his features as a pleasant, floral fragrance filled the air around them. A gentle pressure pressed against his chest, and warm hands clasped his back as soft tresses of silky hair fell onto his shoulder.


"I'm so relieved to see you're okay, Junior..." the melodious voice breathed, tinged with palpable relief. "You have no idea how worried I was after you accepted that strange challenge..."


Silence enveloped them then, accompanied only by the whispers of a gentle breeze rustling through the courtyard.


The person who had come and now embraced Ji Wuye was none other than Senior Sister Lian Ruougang herself, her long raven hair cascading in silky waves past her shoulders, her skin as pale and delicate as the finest porcelain.


Lian Ruogang suddenly embraced him as if he were her most treasured possession in the world.


Though most of the male disciples, and even Ji Wuye, could catch a hint of Lian Rougang's affections toward him, hugging was just too... intimate.


Meahwhile, Ji Wuye initially stood stiffly, his mind still taken aback by Lian's unexpected display of affection and tenderness. As her warm body pressed against his, a torrent of memories, both familiar and distant, stirred within the depths of his mind.


The fragrance of delicate flowers woven through her hair transported him back to a time of hardship, when she had been the only one to offer him solace and comfort. But then, she...


With hesitation, as if testing the authenticity of such tenderness being directed towards him, Ji Wuye slowly raised his arms and encircled Lian's slender figure, releasing a long, tremulous breath.


"Thank you, Senior Sister," he murmured softly into the fragrant tresses of her hair, his voice thick with emotion he dared not name.

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