Chapter 46


Following the next moment, Song Jia then handed him the warm pebbles wrapped in a soft cloth, her fingers brushing against his calloused palm as he took a momentary break.


Ji Wuye's gaze lingered on the area between Lian Rougang's collarbone, the gentle rise and fall of her chest catching his eye.


Song Jia squinted at him, a bemused expression playing across her delicate features, but he didn't have time to care.


Knowledge from the Pressure Form Perfection Style resurfaced in his mind, the techniques flooding his consciousness like a wellspring of wisdom.


'CV-17 Danzhong... should be in the center of the breastbone at the level of the nipples,' he thought inwardly, his brow furrowing in concentration.


"Senior Sister, may I touch this area?" he politely requested, glancing at Lian Rougang, whose porcelain cheeks flushed as she averted her gaze, suddenly demure.


She meekly nodded, turning her face to the side, tendrils of silken hair obscuring her features like a gossamer veil.


Upon hearing her approval, Ji Wuye gently placed a smooth river pebble covered with a clean warm cloth on his Senior Sister's CV-17 point — located in the center of her sternum at the level of her modest bosom.


The pebble radiated a soothing warmth against her skin, like the caress of a summer breeze.


He began applying light, constant pressure with his fingertips, pressing down on the pebble from above, his movements precise and controlled.


At the same time, he visualized encouraging stagnant Qi trapped in the Upper Dantians to flow smoothly downwards along the Ren Mai Meridian Pathway, his mind's eye tracing the intricate pathways of energy within her body.


A low groan, "Hicc!" escaped from his Senior Sister's lips, the sound soft and delicate, like the flutter of a butterfly's wings. Yet the pressure he applied shouldn't have been painful enough to elicit such a reaction.


Noticing Lian Rougang's face, Ji Wuye saw her expression seemed more surprised than pained, her eyes widening slightly, lips parted in a gentle 'o' of surprise.


It seemed even gentle women were often sensitive to delicate touch in such intimate areas, their bodies seems not attuned to the slightest caress.


Ji Wuye didn't think too much about this. All he needed was a reaction from her before moving with full concentration toward the next steps.


This was the first time in both timeline he was doing accupressure. Unlike facing the Tower challenges, he was a bit nervous, his palms slick with sweat as he focused intently, needing to watch his actions carefully lest he falter.


'Then I should roll it now,' he mused, sweat beads forming on his furrowed brow, causing a tickling sensation as they traced the contours of his face.


He slowly rolled the pebble side to side beneath his fingertips, but then encountered a problem. The warm stone seemed to catch on the delicate fabric of her robes, its smooth surface resisting the gentle motions...


'The clothes...'


He realized that his Senior Sister's martial robe was slightly obstructing the rolling movement, the delicate fabric clinging to the curves of her form, only at this point hindering his ministrations.


'Should I mention it or try anyway?' His mind was conflicted, brow furrowing as he weighed the options.


If he asked her to loosen her clothes, it would be acceptable if it was around the shoulders, exposing a sliver of porcelain skin.


However, the problem area was located between the swell of her modest assets, which essentially meant asking her to disrobe entirely if he requested her to remove the robe, leaving her vulnerability laid bare.


'Let's try with the clothes on,' he concluded, slightly increasing his strength as he rolled the pebble.


Surprisingly, it worked, and he managed to maintain a steady rhythm, the stone gliding smoothly against the fabric.


The goal was to stimulate smooth Qi movement throughout the Meridian, starting from this central point, coaxing the vital energy to flow like a gentle stream.


After some time, a bead of sweat trickled down his temple, drenching his furrowed brow, about to drop, when suddenly a sweet fragrance of jasmine swept past his nose, accompanied by a tender-looking hand that wiped away the beads with a clean cloth.


"Thanks," Ji Wuye murmured, expressing his gratitude, though he didn't look up.


It was obvious that the person was Song Jia, her presence like a soothing balm, but he couldn't afford to be distracted, needing to maintain his focus.


At the Beginner level, any mistakes could potentially harm his Senior Sister or damage her delicate Meridians irreparably.



Several moments later, after rolling the pebble at CV-17, he felt the tension release beneath his fingertips, the knot of stagnant energy unraveling.


It was time to move downstream along the pathways.


He glanced at Lian Rougang, whose porcelain complexion had turned rosy, and her breath was slightly ragged, the gentle swell of her bosom rising and falling with each inhalation.


With a furrowed brow, Ji Wuye asked, "Are you okay, Senior Sister?" His voice was hushed.


Her gaze was hazy, and she looked almost seductive in this vulnerable position, lips parted, chest heaving.


She bit the corner of her lower lip and replied, her voice a breathless whisper, "I-I'm fine, Junior. Please hurry..." Her words trailed off as she immediately turned her face to the side, a tendril of hair clinging to her flushed cheek.


"Thank you, Brother Ji. Please continue. I'll be watching over Senior Sister from now on," reassured Song Jia, though her tone seemed slightly strained, heavy with an unspoken emotion that hung in the air like a fragrant mist.


Ji Wuye nodded at their responses and advised, his voice a gentle murmur, "I will apply light pressure as I move up your neck now."


His Senior Sister nodded, taking deep breaths to further relax her body, the rise and fall of her chest slowing to a steady rhythm.


He trailed his fingertips softly up the Ren Mai Pathway, feeling the continuous tremble in his Senior Sister's body, like the flutter of a bird's wings against his calloused skin.


Only when he reached CV-22 Tiantu, the area in the hollow at the base of the throat, between the delicate laryngeal prominence and the taut sternocleidomastoid muscles, did he notice a reaction.


"Ugh..." she gasped, the sound escaping her parted lips like a whisper on the wind, indicating a blockage at this point, a knot of stagnant energy.


Ji Wuye nodded in acknowledgment before gently placing another pebble, its smooth warmth a stark contrast against her alabaster skin, and rolling it with patience, his movements fluid and controlled.


Continuing upward, he paused to stimulate any additional tender points, his fingers tracing the pathways with practiced precision.


By the time he reached the base of her neck, her occasional discomfort and continuous tension had eased into slow, steady breaths, the cadence of a peaceful stream.


"Visualize the flow of water in your mind... Breathe slowly, allowing the fresh air to enter your nose..." Ji Wuye softly uttered these soothing words, his tone growing lower with each syllable, a gentle lullaby coaxing her into a state of tranquility.


Only after observing his Senior Sister close her eyes, her thick lashes fanning across her flushed cheeks like velvet brushstrokes, did he proceed to the final stage.


Maintaining steady pressure at CV-17, he repositioned the last pebble, tracing his hands back down the now smooth and open Meridian Line, the pathways unfurling like delicate blossoms before him.


Finally, the blocked energy seemed to flow freely once again, the stagnant pools of Qi dissipating, leaving only the gentle current of vitality in its wake.


At that moment, his Senior Sister's eyes flew open, her body visibly relieved of tension, as though a great weight had been lifted from her slender shoulders.


"T-this..." Her expression displayed disbelief as she sat upright, her mouth slightly agape, gazing at her Junior Brother with a mixture of awe and wonder, as if seeing him for the first time through a crystalline lens.

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