Chapter 47

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A few moments passed, and the once lively courtyard fell into an eerie silence, devoid of any presence as both Song Jia and Lian Rougang had already taken their leave.


The inky blackness of the night sky slowly retreated, making way for the brilliant golden rays of the rising sun to bathe the grounds in a warm, rejuvenating glow.


Dawn had arrived, heralding a new day - and it had taken Ji Wuyue over half an hour of focused effort to successfully unravel the Meridian Blockage afflicting his Senior Sister.


Outside the room where Ji Wuyue sat cross-legged on the cool stone tiles, his expression serene and composed as he immersed himself in a meditative trance.


The steady rise and fall of his chest reflected his deep, controlled breathing as he methodically cycled the Qi into his Lower Dantian, following the rhythmic flow of his internal energy.



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has been increased by 0.01%!


When the final transparent screen appeared, Ji Wuyue's eyes fluttered open, revealing an unflinching gaze that betrayed a hint of resigned acceptance. "It's hard, and a long way to go..." He was acutely aware that he still had an immense journey ahead of him before he could claim true mastery or achieve a breakthrough in the Healing Art Primer.


Letting out a soft sigh, he rose fluidly to his feet and made his way to the center of the courtyard, the crisp morning air carrying a faint scent of dew-kissed greenery.


The teachings of the Cloudsoaring Steps martial art resurfaced in his mind's eye, and his eyes narrowed slightly in concentration as he contemplated the intricacies of its techniques.


'The Earth Steps, my current stage, emphasizes stability and seamless stance transitions,' he mused inwardly.


Assuming a grounded horse stance, Ji Wuyue centered himself, his body instinctively aligning with the flow of his Qi. With a measured exhalation, he initiated the first movement of the Earth Steps sequence - the Sliding Side Step.


Carefully shifting his weight, he slid one foot laterally in a controlled glide, his rooted stance unwavering as he transitioned into the partially closed position with practiced ease.


'As expected, the fundamentals present little challenge now that my physical abilities have advanced,' Ji Wuye muttered inwardly, thanks to the constant training in Wudang Style.


Emboldened by his progress, Ji Wuyue quickened the pace, rapidly alternating the sliding movement in both directions as wisps of dust swirled around his feet in response to his fluid motions.


Yet, despite the increased speed, his stance remained grounded and structured.


Unconsciously, threads of his Qi began seeping outward, enveloping his feet in a faint, shimmering aura that lent a sharper edge to each forceful slide, leaving faint markings etched into the stone beneath him.


The Cloudsoaring Steps martial art was a meticulously designed system that enabled Martial Artists to evade attacks with unparalleled agility, providing a unique and highly specialized approach to the art of dodging.


After dedicating a few moments to diligent practice, Ji Wuyue found himself mastering the Sliding Side Step movement at relative ease.


His current realm and superior physical abilities facilitated this accomplishment, allowing him to seamlessly integrate the movement into his muscle memory.


'Now, just one movement remaining,' he thought, a glint of determination flickering in his eyes.


Lifting one foot with practiced precision, Ji Wuyue swiftly spun his body through a full 180-degree pivot on the grounded foot.


From an outside perspective, the movement appeared almost mesmerizing, carrying a hint of graceful amusement amidst its practicality.


The first few attempts at executing the pivot turn were somewhat uncontrolled, causing a momentary lapse in balance as his body adjusted to the sudden shift in momentum.


However, thanks to his finely honed physical abilities, he managed to swiftly regain his stability, his feet finding purchase on the unyielding stone tiles with each recovery.


Undeterred, Ji Wuyue continued to dedicate himself to the practice, refining the movement through sheer repetition until he could execute a smooth, seamless pivot turn without the slightest hint of imbalance.




During the final pivot, the air he displaced erupted in a concentrated gust, swirling outward in the same direction as his spin.


While the force behind the wind was not extraordinary, it remained an impressive feat considering the primary purpose of the technique was evasion rather than offense.


After countless repetitions of the two foundational movements, Ji Wuyue began to notice a distinct lightness permeating his feet and lower body, as if his very being had become attuned to the essence of agility.


'Hmm... perhaps?' he mused inwardly, drawing in a deep, controlled breath as his Qi flowed smoothly through his meridians, converging and coalescing within the soles of his feet.


He could feel an increased sensitivity, a heightened awareness of the energy gathered there, pulsing in rhythm with his heartbeat.


Bolstered by this newfound connection, he proceeded to practice more dynamic footwork drills, pushing the limits of his mastery.



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has been increased by 0.01%!


Lunging with explosive power...



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has been increased by 0.01%!


Gliding with effortless grace...



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has been increased by 0.01%!


Pivoting with pinpoint precision...



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has been increased by 0.01%!


Seamlessly switching stances...


In no time at all, Ji Wuyue's movements began to flow with an almost instinctive fluidity, his body seamlessly connecting the sequences without conscious effort.


His feet danced across the courtyard tiles with a grace that seemed to defy the laws of physics, guided by an innate will of their own, as if he had become one with the very winds he sought to emulate.


Simultaneously, the inky darkness that had blanketed the sky mere moments ago dissipated completely, unveiling a vibrant azure expanse that stretched out infinitely above.


The sun, a brilliant golden orb, gradually peeked over the eastern horizon, bathing the world in its warm, rejuvenating radiance.


Suddenly, a transparent screen materialized before Ji Wuyue, its unexpected appearance disrupting his practice and prompting him to halt his movements.


[!] Congratulations! Your Cloudsoaring Steps skill has made a minor breakthrough!


[>>[Cloudsoaring Steps (E) ]<<]

Type: Passive Skill - External Arts

Stage: Cloud Walking (2nd Stage)

A movement art that was created by the most experienced thief to dodge and hide from the imperial soldiers.


"Cloud Walking..." Ji Wuyue murmured, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he caught his breath, the exhilaration of progress coursing through his veins.


In that moment, he experienced a fleeting yet profound sense of enlightenment, a glimpse into the depths of understanding that lay ahead on his journey.


Tilting his head back, he allowed his gaze to linger on the rising sun, its golden rays casting a warm glow upon his features. 'It's a shame. I would love to practice the remaining skills, but once again, time is not on my side.'


Feeling the weight of mental fatigue settle upon his shoulders, a consequence of both treating his Senior Sister's condition and achieving this small breakthrough, Ji Wuyue turned and made his way out of the abandoned courtyard.


His footsteps carried him towards the Outer Disciple Courtyard, where he could grant himself a well-deserved respite, a moment to recharge…

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