Chapter 48


The gentle chirping of birds echoed harmoniously throughout the Outer Disciple Courtyard, their melodies intertwining like delicate ribbons in the crisp morning air.


A light breeze danced through the open window, tenderly tousling the long, silken strands of snowy white hair belonging to a young man who slumbered peacefully. His chest rose and fell in a serene rhythm, his breath as tranquil as the glassy surface of a still lake undisturbed by ripples.


An aura of ethereal handsomeness seemed to emanate from his features, reminiscent of the exquisite calligraphy found in Zhang Feng's renowned scripture, symbolizing the essence of grace and inner tranquility cultivated within the Tai Chi branch.


In this state of profound repose, any woman bearing witness to his innocent, angelic visage would surely find herself enraptured, heart fluttering like the wings of a butterfly.


However, the serenity blanketing the chamber was abruptly disrupted as the bed beneath him stirred, the wooden frame creaking ever so softly.


Slowly, his eyelids fluttered open, revealing half-lidded crimson orbs that gazed languidly at the warm rays of golden sunlight streaming in through the window pane.


"Morning already, huh?" The words escaped his lips in a hushed murmur, the voice unmistakably belonging to none other than Ji Wuye himself.


He could feel the weight that had burdened his mind gradually lifting, leaving his thoughts clear and his head feeling refreshingly light, like a dense fog parting to reveal a brilliant azure sky.


Tidying the disheveled folds of his martial robe, he sat upright on the edge of the bed, studying his reflection in the bronze mirror before him with an appraising eye.


The corners of his lips curved upwards into a faint smile as he leaned closer, examining the smooth planes of his face with a discerning gaze.


'My skin is becoming smoother; perhaps this is the result of using the Healing Primer Art daily.' He mused inwardly, giving a slight shake of his head before summoning his status screen with a deft flick of his wrist.



[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 14

[->] Strength: 52

[->] Agility: 51

[->] Qi: 46

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(E)

- Healing Art Primer(1st)(E)

- Cloudsoaring Steps(2nd)(E)

- Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??)

- Deflecting Blows(E)

- Pressure Form Perfection Style(D)


Everything appeared to be in order, just as expected. The Cloudsoaring Steps had advanced to the 2nd stage, while the Healing Art Primer remained at the 1st stage for now.


A thoughtful expression crossed his features as he pondered, 'I have a hunch that with a few more practice, I could advance it further.'


A hint of determination flashed in his crimson eyes as he continued, 'This martial art seemed simple at first glance, but the deeper I delve into its intricacies, the more complex it becomes...especially when it comes to transforming regular Qi into healing Qi.'


As he pondering, Ji Wuye's brows furrowed slightly, his gaze refocusing intently on the three main attributes displayed before him - Strength, Agility, and Qi.


Even at a cursory glance, it was evident that these statistics were superior compared to where he had been at this same point in his previous timeline.


"Ugh...I forgot to buy that potion," he sighed deeply, regret lacing his tone as he dismissed the transparent status screen with a flick of his wrist.


The potion in question would have doubled the efficacy of his training efforts, but in the overwhelming rush of new skills and privileges granted to him, the thought had simply slipped his mind.


The blame lay squarely on his own shoulders for wasting too much time poring over the descriptions of each newfound ability, even though that meticulous study proved useful now.


Meanwhile, for his overall stats, a rough mental calculation indicated that they were equal to, or perhaps even slightly above, the average 4th realm martial artist.


The average stats for one at the 4th realm were typically around 40 or higher for each attribute. However, this baseline only applied when they engaged in combat without the aid of martial arts or techniques.


But that standard belonged to the past now.


With the Tower's recent emergence, the average stats of 4th realm martial artists should hover around 50 or higher - equal to his own current level. This elevated standard was all thanks to the rewards bestowed upon clearing the Tower's challenges.


'But that's for a normal martial artist. As for geniuses...' His thought trailed off as he pondered the example of his Senior Sister, Lian Rougang.


Despite being at the 4th realm herself, her stats had already surpassed 40, even reaching the 50, by virtue of her initial realm being 4th before the Tower's arrival.


If she had managed to achieve a rare or truly impressive feat akin to him, her stats should be soaring in the range of 50 to 60 or higher.


Of course, these were merely assumptions on his part. Perhaps in this current timeline, Du Che and the other vaunted geniuses had yet to accomplish any remarkable feats of their own?


A sardonic chuckle escaped his lips as he remarked, "Heh, that's just my delusional thinking."


There was simply no way those prodigies hadn't managed to achieve amazing feats already. They had succeeded in the previous timeline, so what force could possibly prevent them from replicating that same level of accomplishment in this timeline?


If only he hadn't allowed that fortuitous potion to slip his mind, perhaps by coupling it with the rigorous Wudang training style, his Strength and Agility statistics could have soared even higher - potentially reaching the 50 or beyond.


"But well...I have Du Che's martial art trademark right now; it's just a matter of time," he murmured, a hint of determination flashing across his features as the corners of his lips quirked upwards.


Just as he finished organizing his thoughts, a booming voice suddenly echoed across the entire sect, the commanding tone leaving no room for delay or argument.


"Outer Disciple Ji Wuye! Come to the Central Courtyard immediately!"

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