Chapter 51


The spacious courtyard was filled with a hushed silence as the Elder's commanding voice echoed through the air.


"All right, now that everyone is here, let's commence the first test: Qi endurance!" With a stern expression etched on his weathered face, the Elder surveyed the gathered disciples with a scrutinizing gaze.


Immediately, the Outer Disciples already undergoing the test responded with disciplined obedience, their bodies settling into a cross-legged seated position on the hard-packed marble floor.


The newly joined disciples, initially bewildered, quickly followed suit after observing the others, their brows furrowed in concentration as they channeled their Qi, enveloping their bodies in a faint, shimmering aura.


Ji Wuye, his posture calm and composed, silently observed the overseeing Elders and the surrounding disciples. His piercing gaze settled on a specific figure, Elder Tan Fu, whose long black hair cascaded over his shoulders, partially obscuring the jagged scar that ran from the corner of his mouth to his forehead.


As Elder Tan Fu called out in a booming voice, memories of their past interactions flooded Ji Wuye's mind, a nostalgic warmth flickering in his eyes.


It was Elder Tan Fu who had guided him along the path of a Martial Artist, imparting invaluable wisdom and mentorship.


His presence stirred recollections of the final moments before Ji Wuye's untimely demise in his previous timeline. However, as his gaze shifted to the Elder standing beside Tan Fu, Ji Wuye's expression subtly shifted, a hint of annoyance creasing his brow.


'I almost forgot Elder Xia is here too,' Ji Wuye mused inwardly, his lips pressing into a thin line.


Xia Zhenkang, the stern enforcer of the laws, was vividly etched in Ji Wuye's memory as the one who had relentlessly advocated for his expulsion, constantly needling the Patriarch for fair treatment. The corner of Ji Wuye's mouth twitched involuntarily as unpleasant recollections resurfaced.


Tearing his gaze away, Ji Wuye surveyed the rest of the Inner Disciples and Official Disciples observing the test, his eyes settling on the familiar figure of Lian Rougang, his Senior Sister.


Her delicate features were etched with worry as she looked down at him, her gaze filled with concern – for she knew that failure in this competition would mean his expulsion.


Memories washed over Ji Wuye like a crashing wave, vividly recalling the pivotal moments that had shaped his journey.


The accidental unlocking of Song Jia's potential, enabling her to perform the second movement of Rising Gale earlier than expected...


The crucial treatment he had provided to his Senior Sister before Du Chen's arrival... And the extended period he had spent residing in the Abandoned Courtyard, far removed from the Outer Disciple quarters.


As these recollections swirled in his mind, Ji Wuye's expression grew pensive. 'A little change, perhaps, would not alter the entire timeline,' he concluded.


Although this timeline had been disrupted according to the previous one, the major events still followed the trajectory of his previous timeline, meaning Ji Wuye's actions had not significantly altered the entire timeline.


'Maintaining this for 10 minutes, what a memory,' he thought wistfully as he slowly channeled the Qi from his Lower Dantian outward, enveloping his body in a shimmering aura.


Ten minutes had already elapsed, and those who managed to maintain their Qi for more than that duration were undoubtedly 2nd realm martial artists.


However, those who couldn't sustain their Qi beyond the ten-minute mark heaved sighs of disappointment, grumbling self-criticisms under their breaths.


Another ten minutes trickled by, and this time, most of those who faltered were 2nd realm martial artists. Their labored breathing and pallid complexions indicated they had nearly depleted their Qi reserves.


Only the 3rd realm martial artists remained, their auras pulsing with unwavering intensity.


Meanwhile, murmurs of surprise rippled through the courtyard like a wave, hushed whispers cycling around a single, incredulous topic.


"Huh? That... bastard... how could he last so long?"


"H-how is it possible!"


Ji Wuye could clearly hear the loud tones emanating from his left and right, the disbelieving exclamations assaulting his ears. Of course, they were undoubtedly referring to him, but he paid no heed to their words, his focus unwavering.


Most onlookers must have been wondering how a mere 1st realm martial artist like himself could endure the Qi consumption of a 3rd realm disciple.


Some might even speculate that he had resorted to Forbidden Martial Arts or human sacrifices to achieve such a feat...


Of course, Ji Wuye had a well-formulated plan in place, albeit slightly altered due to recent events. Nevertheless, the core of his strategy remained intact.


Another ten minutes crawled by, and all the 3rd realm disciples, including Ji Wuye, appeared visibly exhausted, their auras flickering precariously.


However, Ji Wuye was not truly fatigued. He had achieved his goal. Just before any of the 3rd realm disciples reached complete exhaustion, he withdrew his Qi, allowing his aura to dissipate.


Opening his eyes, he surveyed the courtyard, noting that less than 300 disciples still meditated with Qi enveloping their bodies. It was evident that they had already ascended to the 4th realm, lacking only a contribution point to solidify their position as an Official Disciple.


Ji Wuye's expression remained inscrutable as he reflected, '4th realm... back then, I never bothered to inquire about the remaining stages of Pulse Cleansing Gongfa. I never thought I would reach the 4th realm. Even the 3rd realm seemed incredibly challenging at that time.'


But his musings were interrupted as another ten minutes trickled by, marking a total of 40 minutes since the test had commenced.


"Stop!" The commanding voices of the Elders finally reached the Outer Disciples, compelling those who had already ascended to the 4th realm to open their eyes, their auras dissipating.


"The first test is complete! Unfortunately, over 1,600 disciples have not yet reached the 4th realm. What a disappointment!" This time, it was Elder Xia who spoke, his stern gaze not directed at those who had failed but rather at the 300 disciples who had succeeded.


A sneer twisted his features as he surveyed them with disdain.


"And you... despite reaching the 4th realm, you still haven't earned 200 contribution points?!" Elder Xia fumed, his rage palpable, causing the 300 disciples to lower their heads in shame.


He snorted in disgust before shaking his head, his expression one of utter contempt.


"Let's calm down, Brother Xia..." Elder Tan intervened, his placating tone belying the concealed surprise in his gaze as he secretly glanced at Ji Wuye, no doubt taken aback by the young disciple's unexpected achievement.


"Now, we will proceed to the final test!" Elder Tan announced, his voice carrying across the courtyard, cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife.

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