Chapter 52


The eagle's piercing scream sliced through the tranquil air, its shrill cry echoing across the vast Central Courtyard. The scattered Outer Disciples, previously engaged in quiet contemplation or hushed conversations on the cool marble floor, snapped to attention.


At the heart of the courtyard, fifteen smaller arenas stood in a neat formation, each one occupied by an Official Disciple clad in white martial robes adorned with dark blue stripes. Their expressions were impassive, betraying no hint of the challenges that awaited the hopefuls.


The heavy silence was abruptly shattered by the booming voice of Elder Tan, his words reverberating through the open space with an air of authority.


"This final test will assess your skills to the utmost," he declared, his piercing gaze sweeping over the Outer Disciples, some of whom shifted nervously under his scrutiny.


"Two Official Disciples will evaluate you – one as your opponent to test your martial arts prowess, and the other to evaluate your overall abilities." Elder Tan paused momentarily, allowing the weight of his words to sink in as the Outer Disciples processed the information.


"First wave, step forward!" The Elder's command rang out, but he neglected to specify the chosen disciples' names. Consequently, more than fifteen Outer Disciples surged onto the marble floor, their movements creating a chaotic whirlwind of jostling bodies and raised voices.


"This is a mess," muttered a frustrated disciple, his brow furrowed as he surveyed the disorderly scene unfolding before him.


"We're too many for the fifteen spots," another disciple remarked, his eyes narrowing as he glared at the rest of the crowd, the situation rapidly deteriorating as more Outer Disciples joined the fray.


Amidst the rising tension, a calm voice cut through the clamor, offering a voice of reason. "We should resolve this peacefully, without infighting."


However, the voice of reason was swiftly drowned out by the arrogant retort of an Outer Disciple, his chest puffed out in a display of bravado as he shoved another disciple aside without remorse. "Only the strongest deserve to advance. Get lost, that spot is mine."


The shoved disciple's face contorted with rage, his fists clenching involuntarily as he snapped back, "Don't you dare touch me!"


Like a spark igniting a powder keg, the altercation quickly escalated, drawing in more disciples until the entire scene devolved into a seething mass of pushing, shoving, and heated exchanges.


Meanwhile, amidst the growing chaos, Ji Wuye observed the spectacle with an amused chuckle, his lips curving into a wry smile.


'This is the Jianghu I know,' he mused, his gaze flickering between the memories of his previous timeline and the current tumultuous scene unfolding before him.


If not for the appearance of the Tower, the Jianghu would be filled with martial artists seeking fame and glory, clashing at every opportunity without a second thought.


Yet, even as he reveled in the familiar excitement, a part of him recognized that this fervor would soon dissipate as they progressed further within the Tower.


"All of you, stop fighting!" The exasperated bellow of Elder Xia finally cut through the chaos, his frustration palpable as he massaged his throbbing temples, visibly struggling to maintain his composure in the face of such unruly behavior.


"Retrieve the data and call each disciple by name!" Elder Xia commanded an Inner Disciple standing beside him, his voice cutting through the raucous din like a knife.


Reluctantly, the brawling Outer Disciples stepped away from the marble floor, their heated exchanges dissipating into murmurs and sidelong glances.




Elder Xia's head whipped around at the sound of a stifled chuckle, his eyes narrowing as he glared at Elder Tan, who was hastily covering his mouth and squinting his eyes in a futile attempt to conceal his amusement.


"You knew this would happen, Elder Tan. Why didn't you explain it earlier?" Elder Xia confronted him, his face flushing a deep crimson as veins bulged prominently on his forehead, a testament to his mounting frustration.


Elder Tan's chuckles subsided, and he took a deep breath, removing his hand to reveal a fleeting smile before it vanished, replaced by a more solemn expression.


"What do you mean, Brother Xia? How could I have known? This is my first time participating..." His words trailed off, leaving an air of uncertainty hanging between them.


But just as Elder Xia was about to refute his claim, he caught sight of the saddened expression that flitted across Elder Tan's features, and his retort died on his lips.


"Well, I hope this can ease the tense situation. Many disciples seemed stiff earlier, traumatized and stressed about the upcoming Tower challenge," Elder Tan explained, his gaze shifting to the lively scene below, where the Outer Disciples had resumed their chatter, their earlier hostilities seemingly forgotten.


He even noticed that 'brat' – smiling, which brought him a sense of relief. Perhaps this unexpected chaos had served as a much-needed release for the pent-up anxieties and tensions plaguing the disciples.


Elder Xia remained silent, his eyes scanning the unfolding scene with a critical eye as the Official Disciples began calling out the names of the surviving Outer Disciples from the first test, following the order of their entry into the sect.


The first one to join would be given the chance to step forward and face their evaluation.


Elder Xia's attention was drawn to the same disciple that had caught Elder Tan's eye – Ji Wuye. Despite the young man's unassuming appearance, there was an undeniable aura of confidence and determination that seemed to radiate from him.


"That brat... I can't believe he has improved so quickly," Elder Xia muttered, his astonishment evident in his tone.


Elder Tan turned to him, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "So, Brother Xia, is there no hope for him to remain in the sect?" he asked, his voice laced with anticipation.


Elder Xia's expression became complicated, a myriad of emotions flickering across his weathered features. For once, he offered no immediate dismissal or disparaging remark regarding Ji Wuye, as he had done so many times before.


Instead, a heavy silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the distant calls of the Official Disciples summoning the Outer Disciples forward.


Yet, when Elder Xia finally spoke, it was with a weary sigh that seemed to carry the weight of countless considerations and deliberations, "No, I cannot allow it. It would be unfair to everyone else. Even if he succeeds in both tests, and even if he were..."


Elder Xia's voice trailed off abruptly as he alluded to 'her,' the unspoken name hanging heavily in the air between him and Elder Tan.


A profound silence descended upon them, thick and oppressive, as if the mere mention of this enigmatic figure had opened a door to a wellspring of memories and emotions too complex to articulate.


This weighted stillness lingered, stretching out like an elastic band taut with unvoiced thoughts and unresolved tensions, until an Inner Disciple approached, shattering the reverie.


"All of the spots have been filled, Elders," the disciple informed them, cupping his hands and respectfully bowing his head slightly.


Jolted back to the present, Elder Tan composed himself, straightening his back and squaring his shoulders as if donning an invisible mantle of authority.


He stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the gathered Outer Disciples, who looked upon him with a mixture of respect and palpable excitement.


"The final test begins!" he declared, his voice ringing out like a clarion call across the courtyard.


At his call, the remaining Official Disciples stationed outside the small arenas busied themselves, deftly preparing quill pens and sheets of parchment.



Shifting back to the Elders...


"But the decision might change if the Patriarch gets involved. The sect rules cannot be easily ignored," Elder Tan said, stunned by the unexpected words that drifted towards him from Elder Xia, who stood behind him.

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"I se—" However, his words were cut off as both turned around. What truly left them astounded was the sound of approaching footsteps, steady and purposeful, and the sight of the Patriarch making their way towards them.

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