Chapter 54


After Hao Hanying's awe-inspiring display of martial prowess at the 4th realm, the waiting Outer Disciples were left stunned and inspired.


The arena crackled with anticipation as they witnessed an array of formidable skills from the Tower being showcased in intense battles against the Official Disciples.


Some Outer Disciples even managed to emerge victorious, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.


'This marks a turning point. The world of martial artists will soon be divided into two factions...' Ji Wuye murmured inwardly.


One relying on pure martial arts power and the other utilizing skills acquired from the Tower.


Additionally, several notifications flashed and faded in the corner of his vision, their ethereal glow catching his attention.



The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%!



The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%!


A faint, enigmatic smile tugged at the corner of Ji Wuye's mouth, but when his gaze fell upon the disciples using skills they brought from the Tower, he shook his head slightly, his brow furrowing. 'It's a shame that I can't replicate a skill.'


"Iron Skin!" A commanding voice echoed through the arena, drawing Ji Wuye's attention to a male Outer Disciple whose entire body had transformed into an impenetrable iron shell, his muscles rippling beneath the metallic sheen.


"Wow! I had no idea such a skill existed!" Exclamations of awe and astonishment filled the arena, predominantly from the Outer Disciples, their eyes wide with wonder at the incredible display.


On the other hand, the Official Disciples merely sighed and shook their heads in disappointment, their expressions betraying a sense of disdain for such flashy displays of power.


"Lower Drill!" Though their disappointment was slightly fading—due to the majority still combining and using the core of their martial arts, not solely relying on the skills—still...


"Meridian Tap!"




The evaluation of 300 Outer Disciples at the 4th realm finally came to an end as the morning sun continued its ascent, casting long shadows across the arena.


Whispers of surprise and excitement, particularly regarding the use of skills by Outer Disciples, continued to buzz like a swarm of bees among those who were yet to undergo the test.


"Silence!" However, a single commanding word from Elder Tan redirected all attention back to the impending test, his voice cutting through the murmurs like a knife.


He stood with an air of indifference and a calm, unruffled expression, as if the disciples who utilized skills didn't concern him in the slightest.


"Second wave, step forward!" Elder Tan announced once more, his tone leaving no room for disobedience.


In contrast to Elder Tan's stoic demeanor, another man stood beside him and Elder Xia, displaying genuine interest as he caressed his graying beard pensively. His eyes shone with a keen intellect, taking in every detail of the unfolding events.



Meanwhile, as the Outer Disciples sighed and bemoaned the fact that Elder Tan hadn't mentioned their names specifically again— an Official Disciple stepped forward, clutching crisp sheets of paper in their hands, the parchment rustling softly in the morning breeze.


"Xu Shuren!" A female Outer Disciple stepped forward at the call of her name, her footsteps purposeful as she followed the instruction to proceed to the designated arena.


"Han Xue!" Another name rang out, and the disciple followed suit, his eyes narrowed in determination.


"Tao Xieren..."




More names were called, and more Outer Disciples stepped forward, their expressions ranging from nervous anticipation to steely resolve.


However, it was clear that these disciples were not chosen randomly. They were the ones who had successfully channeled their Qi for nearly 30 minutes, indicating their proficiency at least at the 3rd realm.


Once all the slots were filled, the evaluation commenced. As expected, inspired by the first wave, the second wave of disciples showcased the skills they had acquired from the Tower.


"Fire Ball!" The air became filled with scorching heat as many disciples frequently employed this skill, flames dancing in their palms.


It seemed that every martial artist dreamed of possessing fire elemental power, the primal allure of flickering flames captivating their souls.


"Water Jet!" In contrast, most female disciples favored skills related to cold elements, streams of water arcing through the air with deadly precision, making it the second most popular choice among the disciples.


Ji Wuye could only sigh with disappointment, evident in his furrowed brow and the slight downturn of his lips.


Unlike the first wave, which was composed of fourth-realm disciples who had mastered or stepped into Dantian Drilling, the majority of the second wave heavily relied on purchased skills from the Tower's shop, as their own techniques could be considered as .... lacking.


'Their future looks bleak...' He muttered inwardly, his eyes wandering until they fell upon a figure standing among the Elders, his presence commanding respect.


As he gazed at the man, his eyes filled with cold indifference. 'Patriarch...' Ji Wuye whispered inwardly, but his focus quickly shifted back to the arena as a hush fell over the crowd.


Eventually, most of the Outer Disciples at the 3rd realm were evaluated, leaving only one—the highly-discussed disciple who managed to channel Qi for nearly 30 minutes despite starting off exhausted, a feat that had tongues wagging with speculation.


"Ji Wuye!" His name echoed through the area, causing a profound silence to descend as all eyes turned towards him, hidden among the crowd like a wolf among sheep.


To exacerbate the situation, the previously disinterested Elders now directed their full attention towards him, their boredom replaced by a keen focus, their eyes sharp and assessing.

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