Chapter 55


Ji Wuye strode through the bustling crowds, a path effortlessly clearing before him. However, amidst the respectful hush, whispers of skepticism lingered, intentionally audible for his ears.


"Is that the so-called 1st realm flower boy? How is he still standing after that Qi durability test?" A disdainful sneer accompanied the questioning voice.


"He must have resorted to some form of trickery. No way a weakling like him could genuinely be at the 3rd realm," one individual jeered, a mocking chuckle punctuating Ji Wuye's passage.


"He's definitely concealing his true cultivation level. Probably trying to impress the women," another Outer Disciple shot him a look of contempt, disdainfully spitting on the floor.


"He probably employed some underhanded skill from that Tower. There's no other plausible explanation," a robust Outer Disciple, just concluded with his evaluation, folded his arms, eyeing Ji Wuye from above.


"I don't buy it. He's surely up to some sneaky business. No one improves that rapidly without a catch." These words marked the skepticism of male disciples who harbored no faith in Ji Wuye.


Having navigated through the sea of doubts, Ji Wuye reached the polished marble floor, where only two Official Disciples awaited his arrival.


"This way, Junior," the Official Disciple gestured, guiding him towards the intimate arena. Ji Wuye acknowledged with a respectful hand gesture and followed suit.


Upon reaching the designated spot, Ji Wuye's gaze met a familiar face, his opponent for the upcoming challenge


'Everything is going according to plan,' Ji Wuye thought to himself, lifting his head. The reactions from the other side of the crowd offered a stark contrast.


"Go, Brother Ji! I know you can do it! Don't listen to those doubters!"


"You've got this! Prove them wrong. We believe in your strength!"


"Be careful out there. Give it your all; we have faith in you and your skills."


These encouraging words emanated from the voices of female disciples genuinely thrilled about Ji Wuye's progress, nearing the approximate 3rd realm.


There was an absence of jealousy or doubt in their gazes or tone, presenting an unfortunate sight of more females than males supporting him.


'People often say, "Martial brotherhood is a bond deeper than the sea and higher than the mountains - one that will extend into life and death without end." But…'


Ji Wuye inwardly remarked and mocked, 'It seems those words only apply to those who share the same looks.'


Flashing a warm smile towards the female disciples who had rallied behind him, Ji Wuye expressed, "Thank you, Senior and Big Sisters. I will always remember your kindness!"


His long flowing hair danced in the breeze as his deep crimson eyes held sincerity towards them. This caused the uproar from the female disciples to fall silent, most of them coughing and blushing under his genuine gaze.


"Kyaa! Junior Ji, if you feel indebted, shall we meet under the shining stars?" a bold female disciple proclaimed, stunning the entire audience as they turned their gaze towards her. She was smiling at Ji Wuye, her hands clapped together.


"What shameless words are you uttering! Brother Ji would rather accompany me for a stroll!" Chaos erupted as the once peaceful atmosphere transformed into a lively dispute among the spectators.


Ji Wuye redirected his attention to Senior Brother Wu, whose twitching smile and a protruding vein on the corner of his eyebrows betrayed an underlying tension.


"Done with your flattery?" Wu asked, his hand tightly gripping the jian before sighing. "Junior Brother Ji, I suggest you don't play with others' emotions, or else you'll invite trouble upon yourself."


Stunned by the admonition, Ji Wuye flashed a sincere smile as he respectfully cupped his hands, "I understand. Thank you for the reminder, Senior Brother!"


"Then let's begin!" Just as they were about to commence, high in a tree with a panoramic view of the entire Kunlun sect, a figure stood with ragged clothes, eyes sharp as a hawk, attentively observing the evaluation.


"Let's see how your descendant fares, Sisters." Their faces concealed amidst the leaves, the considerable distance between the Central Courtyard and the observer's perch made it impossible for human eyes to discern the details of the impending battle.


The gap spanned approximately 5,000 Zhang, surpassing the reach of any arrow shot from the training fields behind the towering Shaolin pagoda.


"If he proves to be as useful and not as dull or lazy as rumored, then it is his destiny to be under my guidance. Otherwise, I may leave his fate to the mountain of Kunlun..." The mysterious observer mused, their voice carried away by the rustling leaves, leaving an air of enigma lingering in the serene surroundings.




* "Martial brotherhood is a bond deeper than the sea and higher than the mountains - one that will extend into life and death without end": This refers to the deep and lifelong bond between brothers/sisters-in-arms in the martial arts world. Their bond is unbreakable, even beyond life and death.


* "Shall we meet under the shining stars": This is usually an invitation for a secret romantic rendezvous under the night sky, away from prying eyes. It implies intimacy and discretion.


* "Accompany me for a stroll": A polite invitation, usually between cultivators of the same status. It indicates they wish to converse privately while ambling together leisurely.


* "Don't play with others' emotions, or else you'll invite trouble upon yourself": This cautions against toying with or misleading others' feelings, as it can generate resentment and revenge. Emotional manipulation is frowned upon in martial cultures that value integrity.

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