Chapter 57


[!] Your passive skill, Deflecting Blows(E), has been triggered!


The jian, gripped firmly in his hand, quivered with the force of the impact, momentarily capturing Ji Wuye's intense gaze.


"This is the Deflecting Blow skill. Impressive," his thoughts echoed within as he observed the aftermath of his planted foot on the marble floor, the destruction unfolding beneath him.


The technique showcased a remarkable ability to nullify attacks while still preserving their impactful nature.


Returning his focus to his Senior Brother, who stood with a gaping mouth and an unguarded stance, Ji Wuye sensed a palpable shift in the atmosphere.


An unsettling feeling washed over him, prompting a careful scan of the silent surroundings. Blank and disbelieving stares met his gaze, signaling that something was amiss.


As the abnormal reactions of the other disciples registered, Ji Wuye narrowed his eyes and instinctively shifted his gaze towards the upper stairs. There, the Elders fixated their intense gazes upon him, intensifying the sense of foreboding.


His thoughts momentarily froze, but a surge of adrenaline jolted through his brain, snapping his senses back to full alertness.


Swiftly, he discreetly pressed two points near his navel – Laogong and Zhongwan – with his fingers.


The flow of Qi within his meridians and Dantians abruptly halted, causing him to cough involuntarily and drop his jian, forcing him into a half-kneeling position.


Concurrently, he controlled his breathing, applying subtle pressure. The Qi, which had momentarily threatened to rush towards his Middle Dantian, was briefly blocked.


At that moment, his Middle Dantian, a reservoir of Qi, was sealed.




Without warning, a fleeting shadow caught his attention, and in the blink of an eye, his entire perspective shifted.


"Ugh!" A gasp escaped his lips as he found himself staring at the vast blue sky. Pressure against his neck intensified, making each breath a struggle.


His eyes' white sclera gradually reddened, veins resembling intricate roots spreading across them.


Unconsciously, Ji Wuye's free hand instinctively reached to grip the object around his neck, only to make a surprising discovery—it was a human hand. Despite his attempts to release the grip, it proved futile; the hold was unyieldingly strong.


Simultaneously, a palm pressed against his forehead, accompanied by a brief influx of Qi that swiftly dissipated.


"Elder Xia!" Surprise echoed through the surrounding disciples as they witnessed Elder Xia, who had been quietly observing from the upper stairs, now choking Ji Wuye.


The combination of Elder Xia's cascading white hair and Ji Wuye's flowing locks created an ethereal imagery reminiscent of wings. However, the beauty of this scene sharply contrasted with Elder Xia's stern expression.


"Elder!" Wu Gao blinked in astonishment as Elder Xia materialized. He quickly bowed his head and respectfully greeted him, attempting to speak but finding himself silenced by Elder Xia's intense and somber gaze.


"Senior Sister, stop!" A voice rang out from the crowd of Official Disciples, attempting to halt a figure rushing towards the arena.


"Brother Xia, please cease!" Elder Xia, in the midst of touching Ji Wuye's forehead, was abruptly interrupted before he could proceed to his neck.




Another Elder, adorned in a martial robe that billowed dramatically in contrast to Elder Xia's, appeared. In the blink of an eye, this newcomer forcefully slapped Elder Xia's hands, causing his grip to loosen and releasing Ji Wuye from his grasp.


Confronting Elder Xia and the intervening Elder stood a man with a scar stretching from his mouth to his forehead—none other than Elder Tan.


"Cough... cough..." Ji Wuye convulsively coughed, struggling to breathe on the floor. His chest and throat throbbed with pain, both from Elder Xia's vise-like grip and the deprivation of air.


"Do not impede me, Elder Tan. He endured a full-force attack from an Official Disciple! Unless he has reached the 4th realm, it is impossible! Not to mention the Qi he used directly from his abdomen!"


"I examined his realm a few days ago; he was merely at the 1st realm. Unless he employed Forbidden or Evil arts, his progress is impossible! Did you witness this, Elder Tan and Patriarch?"


Elder Xia's words reverberated, causing shockwaves to ripple through everyone present, with the exception of Elder Tan, who appeared troubled and conflicted, and the Patriarch, maintaining an expression of indifference from his perch upstairs.

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