Chapter 58


"Junior!" A shadow swept into the arena, bringing with it a fragrant scent that enveloped the space, revealing a figure adorned in a flowing martial robe adorned with dark blue stripes standing before Ji Wuye.


This mysterious figure gracefully knelt halfway, gently caressing Ji Wuye's back to aid his strained breathing. "Take this pill," the person whispered, their voice a soothing melody in the tense atmosphere.


A slender finger, resembling a delicate tree branch, poised to place the pill on Ji Wuye's lips when a surge of danger tingled in the air.




The menacing energy heralded a sharp object that sliced through the pill, rendering it into useless powder that dispersed across the floor like ethereal confetti.


"Disciple Lian, stay away from him," Elder Xia's stern voice resonated, his gaze fixed on the person who had rushed to Ji Wuye's aid.


It was none other than Lian Rougang who had offered her assistance, her cold, viper-like stare meeting Elder Xia's disapproval head-on.


"I apologize, Elder, but I cannot comply with your request!" She stood firm, shielding Ji Wuye from Elder Xia's scrutiny with unwavering determination.


Elder Xia's displeasure reverberated through the arena, his words echoing with authority. "Hmph! This situation carries more weight than Mount Tai! And you, young one, have no idea how formidable the challenges are!"


Simultaneously, a subtle energy materialized before him.


Lian Rougang sensed an ominous aura enveloping her, sharp as an invisible sword. Cold sweat broke out, yet she defiantly maintained eye contact with Elder Xia.


"What transpired here?"


"Are you oblivious? Didn't you heed Elder Xia's words? It seems that scoundrel resorted to forbidden techniques to augment his power."


"Forbidden techniques... you mean those martial arts entwined with twisted and dark practices like sacrifice and offering... hiss..."


Whispers cascaded through the crowd, especially among the male Outer Disciples. If their gazes were once tinted with doubt and a hint of jealousy towards Ji Wuye, now they bore a mixture of disgust and unmistakable hostility.


Evil sects and forbidden techniques were both forbidden in Jianghu. One represented a faction of deranged individuals who had cast aside all shreds of humanity, even daring to harm children.


The other, forbidden techniques, delved into knowledge where practitioners employed nefarious methods to rapidly escalate their power.


These methods plumbed such abhorrent depths as to include acts like assaulting children and innocent women, resorting to extreme measures such as collecting fetuses. Consequently, they were perceived as abominations that needed eradication by all members of Jianghu.


"Silence, all of you! Are you not men, yet you indulge in cursing and idle gossip like women?" The voices of female disciples quelled the hissing murmurs.


"You only know how to train as if your very lives depended on it. Your evenings are spent frolicking with friends, leaving women alone and miserable at home!


"Compared to Brother Ji, who has shown us kindness and compassion, if he is indeed resorting to forbidden techniques, then what methods are you employing?!"


"And what do any of you truly know about Brother Ji?!" Another female disciple chimed in, seething with anger and casting scornful gazes at the men.


"What absurdity... did he truly say it's acceptable as long-"


"Enough!" The bewildered men, eager to respond, were silenced once again.


"Putting that aside for now, things remain unclear. Brother Ji hasn't uttered a word or had a chance to explain!" They expressed their concern, casting worried glances toward Ji Wuye, who struggled to regain his balance.


All eyes converged on Ji Wuye as he reached out, gently tapping Lian Rougang's shoulder.


"Thank you, Senior Sister..."


"Junior, you sh-"


"I'm fine, please allow me to-" Just as Ji Wuye regained his composure and endeavored to explain to Lian Rougang, Elder Xia, on the brink of unleashing his fury if not presented with a satisfactory explanation, suddenly issued a menacing threat.


"Outer Disciple Ji, elucidate this matter immediately, or I will not hesitate to strip you of all your martial arts!"




* "This situation carries more weight than Mount Tai! And you, young one, have no idea how formidable the challenges are": You have no idea the magnitude of what you're dealing with - it's bigger than you can possibly imagine.


* Mount Tai is an enormously large and historically important mountain in Shandong province. At over 1500 meters tall, it looms large over the surrounding landscape. Figuratively speaking, it represents something huge, massive and not to be underestimated


* So when this elder says the situation "carries more weight than Mount Tai", they are trying to impress upon the younger person just how immense and serious the challenges are that they are facing.

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