Chapter 60


The atmosphere among the previously distrustful disciples underwent a palpable shift as Elder Xia's unexpected statements left them in a state of disbelief. All eyes turned towards him, searching for a trace of deception or hidden motives.


"Then it's not a problem," Elder Tan interjected, causing Elder Xia to fixate his gaze once again on Ji Wuye, whose expression remained unreadable.


"It's regrettable, but as a form of redress for the perceived injustice, you managed to successfully navigate the final exam. Congratulations," Elder Xia conveyed, his tone carrying a peculiar blend of detachment and melancholy, as if burdened by the weight of the decision.


Even Elder Tan, initially holding high expectations, couldn't hide his disappointment. Conversely, the male disciples who had predicted this outcome expressed their disdain with derisive snorts.


"Hah, so it's just the skill he acquired from the Tower or plain luck." Mockery, rooted in Ji Wuye's past behavior, resurfaced among most of them.


Ji Wuye, once prone to thoughtless speech, had often, unintentionally, belittled his peers with his good looks and prideful demeanor.


Yet, a notable shift had occurred. Some among the onlookers remained neutral, acknowledging Ji Wuye's reliance on skill.


His feats during the initial Qi consumption test and the resilience displayed against Wu Gao's formidable attack in the second stage validated his capabilities.


Wu Gao's employment of the Double Slash, a second-stage movement known as Meridian March, imbued his strike with the potency of a third-level martial artist when directed at Ji Wuye.


"Your generosity is appreciated, Elder," Ji Wuye expressed with a respectful gesture, cupping his hands towards Elder Xia. His tone remained composed, as if the outcome had been anticipated.


His gaze shifted towards the vacant space where the imposing figure once stood. 'He's finally gone,' he mused, releasing a sigh that carried a mixture of relief and reflection. Turning around, he found his Senior Sister.


"Thank you for your support, Senior Sister," Ji Wuye acknowledged, accompanied by a small, appreciative smile.


"You don't need to thank me, Junior. I'm glad I could offer solace during this challenging moment," Lian responded, her eyes conveying genuine concern.


"Uh, I'll return to my position," she added, her cheeks flushing as she realized her prolonged stare. Swiftly, she retreated, leaving Ji Wuye shaking his head with a soft chuckle.


'Even when others doubted me, you stood by my side. Even in the presence of the Elders, you remained unwavering,' he reflected inwardly, contemplating the history they shared.


As he navigated through the dispersing crowd, attention shifted to the impending announcements of the first and second wave results, casting a shadow over the sect's atmosphere following Lian Rougang's departure.


'What transpired back then?' Ji Wuye wondered, his thoughts drifting into the recesses of the past.




Once again, the Outer Disciples congregated on the cool marble floor, but this time, the assembly comprised solely of those under evaluation, specifically those in the 3rd to 4th realm. Among them stood Ji Wuye, the subject of persistent rumors regarding his possession of a unique skill.


No questions arose from the Elders or Official Disciples regarding Ji Wuye's abilities, given that they had witnessed him adeptly deflecting an attack from a 3rd martial artist, albeit not without sustaining some injuries.


In the midst of the evaluation, various disciples showcased their remarkable skills—ranging from precision shooting to the manipulation of elemental forces and terrain alteration. These displays, more flamboyant than Ji Wuye's seemingly simple deflection, garnered admiration from both disciples and Elders alike.


'But had I not swiftly sealed my Dantians, they'd undoubtedly be discussing my skill now,' Ji Wuye contemplated inwardly, his fingers gently massaging his Meridian pathway. The flow of Qi gradually resumed, easing the blockages between his Lower Dantians and Middle Dantians.


"Hao Hanying!" bellowed one of the Official Disciples, drawing attention to a man clad in a flowing martial robe adorned with aqua stripes.


"At the age of 15, you entered our ranks, now standing at the 4th realm. You successfully navigated the first test but faltered in the final one," the Official Disciple announced, casting a brief glance in Hao Hanying's direction.


"A true genius, yet as lazy as a donkey! Your contribution points: 0!


"Your arrogance and lack of proper attitude are apparent! Did you believe you could afford to slack off just because you have three years remaining?!"


The Official Disciple's authoritative voice reverberated, prompting Hao Hanying, who had previously exuded confidence, to lower his head in embarrassment.


"Even Senior Brother Hao is facing reprimand. Hahah!"


"Haha, this is a sight rarely seen!"


Mocking whispers echoed through the crowd, yet to Hao Hanying, they were inconsequential background noise. His attention was singularly fixated on the figure standing behind the Official Disciple.


"I can't believe Senior Sister is witnessing me in such a state," he mused inwardly, a pang of embarrassment creeping over him.


"Forgive me, Senior Brother!" Hao Hanying hastily apologized, clasping his hands together. Intuitively, he sensed that the Official Disciple harbored more negative remarks about to be unleashed.


'Please, Senior Brother, cease your words. I beseech you!' His pride bore the scars of the verbal onslaught.


Unbeknownst to him, his esteemed skill, "Haste," instrumental in his survival and success during the Tower challenge, held no sway with an Official Disciple.


"Focus on sect missions instead of idling away your time! Consider yourself fortunate; you stand at the precipice of Official Discipleship!" the Official Disciple counselled.


"I truly understand. Thank you for your guidance, Senior!" Hao Hanying expressed his gratitude as the Official Disciple motioned for him to leave.


As he turned away, he couldn't help but notice the man who had captured his Senior Sister's attention among the onlookers.


'Ji Wuye...' Hao Hanying's fist tightened, eyes narrowing with a newfound sense of challenge. Purposefully, he made his way towards him.

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