Chapter 61


As Hao Hanying endeavored to close the distance between himself and Ji Wuye, an unexpected collision jolted him backward, a look of astonishment crossing his face.


Endowed with remarkable skills and an air of arrogance, no Outer Disciple dared to hinder Hao Hanying. Consequently, a clear path always unfolded before him, a tacit acknowledgment of his unbridled confidence.


Yet, on this occasion...


"You suc-" About to admonish those obstructing his path, Hao Hanying abruptly halted as he found himself face to face with a young man donned in a flowing martial robe adorned with dark blue stripes. A piercing glare was directed at him.


"Junior Brother, what are you doing?" inquired the voice of Wu Gao, his arms crossed and emanating palpable hostility towards Hao Hanying.


"Ah, Senior Wu, greetings!" Hao Hanying's greeting echoed, drawing the attention of surrounding Outer Disciples, especially given Wu Gao's unexpected appearance.


"Cease fixating on Junior Brother Ji. If you seek to prove yourself, engage in a fair fight. Wait for him to ascend to the 4th realm or find another avenue to showcase your worth.


"Never tarnish our Sect's reputation or your standing as a Martial Artist through deceitful means," cautioned Wu Gao, his words hanging heavily in the air.


Hao Hanying stood stupefied, his eyes widening. "S-senior, how could-" Before he could complete his sentence, Wu Gao turned his back.


"We all know of your feelings, whether amongst the Outer Disciples or the Official Disciples. Your affection for Martial Sister Lian is unmistakable. However, bear in mind that 'Cherishing evil thoughts destroys charm and good reputation.'"


"Cherishing evil thoughts destroys charm and good reputation..." The nearby Outer Disciples, who had surreptitiously eavesdropped on the conversation, whispered with wavering gazes.


"This Junior understands! Thank you for the guidance, Senior!" Conversely, Hao Hanying, the recipient of those words, found himself startled, gradually comprehending the weight of his missteps.


With a dazed expression, he watched Wu Gao's departing figure, silently mouthing the words, "Cherishing evil thoughts destroys charm and good reputation... Senior Brother... thank you."


The realization hit him—his emotions for Martial Sister Lian had clouded his judgment. His pursuits of self-improvement were consistently overshadowed by the desire to impress her or earn her favorable regard.


"Ah, everything changed when I met her," Hao Hanying mumbled. The recollection of his initial goal for joining Kunlun surfaced: "To eradicate all evil and bring glory to my family."


Born into a family of farmers, he was the son of humble cultivators. His initial enthusiasm for training had been fueled by a hope for achievements, a chance to alleviate his family's struggles upon becoming an Official Disciple.


However, Lian Rougang's kindness, a rarity in his life of a farmer's child, shifted his focus. His ambitions swayed, and his ego swelled with the praises of fellow disciples impressed by his talents.


This arrogance even led him down a perilous path, entertaining thoughts of harm towards his Martial Brothers.


As he reflected on his past actions, a sudden wave of shame engulfed him. "No wonder Senior Sister never looked my way," he contemplated.


Casting a glance at Ji Wuye, patiently awaiting his turn amidst the crowd, Hao Hanying's gaze transformed. It no longer harbored malicious intent but rather brimmed with pure rivalry.


"Junior Brother, this is not the end; it is merely the beginning," echoed in his mind, a promise of a renewed journey ahead.




Meanwhile, as the sun gradually descended in the western sky, casting a warm afternoon glow, Ji Wuye lingered, patiently awaiting his turn, knowing he would likely be called last.


"Ji Wuye!"


Approaching the center of the marble floor, where all eyes were once again fixated on him, the Official Disciple holding the information board regarding him regarded him with a tinge of pity.


"Joined at the age of 9, current realm... 2nd realm, first test failed, last test passed." The Official Disciple fell silent, observing Ji Wuye's composed gaze.


It was evident that Ji Wuye, too, felt the weight of remorse, fully comprehending the implications. "You have run out of time, and unfortunately, according to sect regulations, you will be expelled."


Following the announcement, cries and shouts erupted from the female disciples.


"I can't believe Junior Ji is being expelled after years of unwavering dedication. It's simply unjust!"


"I know, it pains me to see him leave. He has always been patient and kind. I can't fathom a life without his presence..."


"He gives his all each day. Just because he didn't reach the fourth realm in time doesn't mean his commitment is lacking! The sect's rules fail to account for varying natural talents!"


"You're absolutely right, Sisters. The sect rule is undeniably unfair! Elders, please grant Brother Ji another opportunity!"


"Elders, please give Junior Ji another chance!"


"Elders, we implore you to consider it!"


One by one, the female Outer Disciples respectfully cupped their hands and pleaded towards the upper stairs where the Elders and the Patriarch stood witnessing the scene. This left the male disciples astonished and speechless.


"What is happening—"


"The sect rules serve a purpose. While I sympathize with Junior Ji, exceptions cannot be made lightly."


"The Sisters speak from their emotions, not from principle. Their intentions are sincere!"


The male disciples fiercely resisted. Witnessing the tears of the female disciples and their heartfelt pleas, they sensed a looming threat. In their hearts, the prospect of Ji Wuye's expulsion seemed to foreclose any chance of establishing connections with the female disciples.


Even Hao Hanying, who had just regained his senses, watched in disbelief. Elder Xia and Elder Tan, their faces contorted with inner conflict, observed as half of the three thousand disciples fervently pleaded for a change in the rules.


"No, there can be no exceptions, even if—" Just as Elder Xia was on the verge of angrily denouncing the perceived injustice, footsteps approached from behind, accompanied by a word that left him stunned.


"Please wait, Brother Xia."




* "Cherishing evil thoughts destroys charm and good reputation": The idiom speaks to the Chinese cultural values of cultivating righteousness through nurturing virtue and harmony within, which accords with social morality and interpersonal dynamics. An untamed heart leads to disgrace. If you cultivate evil thoughts and harbor them in your heart, you will ultimately become the embodiment of evil itself.

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