Chapter 62


Ji Wuye discreetly observed the Elders and the Patriarch deeply engrossed in a discussion at the heart of the Central Courtyard, their figures silhouetted against the warm hues of the setting sun.


In the quietude, he pondered, "He must have arrived," his patience tethered to the unfolding conversation. After a measured span, Elder Xia, his countenance etched with concern, cast a fleeting glance in Ji Wuye's direction.


"Um... Ji Wuye, you have an additional two years to ascend to the fourth realm and amass contribution points," announced Elder Tan, his expression carrying a palpable unease.


"What?! This is unfair, Elder! Please reconsider!"


A murmur of dissent rippled through the assembly, with some questioning the Elders' decision to grant Ji Wuye an extension. Notably, the bulk of these discordant voices emanated from the male Outer Disciples.


"Elder, if Brother Ji receives an extension, can the rest of us petition for a lengthening of our deadlines?!"


As anticipated, the Elders faced opposition, with Wu Gao surprisingly voicing his disagreement. "Although Junior Brother Ji has shown commendable effort, rules are rules. I implore the Elders to reconsider their judgment," Wu Gao asserted.


Yet, the pleas and protests from the disciples met a resolute silence from the Elders, who remained impervious to the commotion.


In response, Elder Tan sighed and pressed on, "However, should he still fall short of reaching the fourth realm or accruing sufficient contribution points, you shall be betrothed to the young lady from the Lian Clan!"


"Huh?!" Ji Wuye's confusion deepened. 'The Lian Clan? Not the Mu Clan?'


In the intricate tapestry of agreements, the prior timeline had stipulated engagement to Mu Lan Rou, with the fallback plan of betrothal in case of failure within the two-year timeframe. Despite his repeated setbacks, expulsion remained elusive.


The catalyst behind this unusual turn of events was a significant "accident" that befell the Kunlun sect. Even Outer Disciples who faced dismissal two years later were extended the chance to return and contribute to the sect's recovery from the devastating blow.


This narrative echoed the contours of Ji Wuye's past life. However, the threads of destiny had woven a new tale for him – one where he found himself betrothed to a seemingly arbitrary young lady from the Lian Clan.


'So, what becomes of my current engagement?' Ji Wuye mulled over this conundrum, his gaze fixed on Elder Tan amidst the jealous outcries of male Outer Disciples and the disheartened murmurs of their female counterparts.


"As for your present engagement, consider it dissolved. If you seek details and reasons, consult the young lady and her father," Elder Tan replied cautiously, mindful of the public setting.


Though Elder Tan attempted to shroud Ji Wuye's companion in secrecy, the words 'current engagement' reached the ears of all the disciples, sparking a cascade of reactions.


"Huh? Did I hear correctly? Brother Ji was engaged all along?"


"Brother Ji... How could you!"


"Who? Who?! Which woman held my Big Brother's heart!"


The united female disciples, their eyes ablaze with a fervor akin to hungry wolves, turned on each other, accusations and suspicions sown among them. Simultaneously, the male disciples, once envious, now viewed Ji Wuye as their natural adversary.


"Damn you, Brother Ji!"


"You're truly despicable! Playing with other women while you have a devoted flower waiting! Shameless!"


Amidst the tumult, Ji Wuye experienced a whirlwind of emotions, a mix of realization and conflicting feelings swirling within him.


"I understand, Elders. I appreciate the opportunity. However, I must humbly request your understanding. Achieving the fourth level in just two years does not seem realistic to me."


Ji Wuye's words once again reverberated through the crowd, leaving them in a state of stunned silence. Elder Tan, who had once mentored and favored him, now bore a creased forehead, anger seething as he absorbed Ji Wuye's statement, his gaze fraught with fury.


"What's this? Are you giving up before even making an attempt?" His tone oozed with disdain, and his eyes conveyed a profound sense of disappointment in Ji Wuye. Even the Patriarch and Elder Xia were momentarily taken aback before fixing him with scornful looks.


"Junior..." Ji Wuye strained to discern Wu Gao's words from the distance, finding Wu Gao's expression one of sheer astonishment.


Yet, none of these reactions held sway over Ji Wuye. With a composed demeanor, he locked eyes with Elder Xia and addressed him directly,


"I simply desire access to the second floor of the Kunlun Thousand Pavilion." This revelation, the crux of his true objective, hung in the air. After all the meticulous acts and preparations he had undertaken, Ji Wuye had finally unveiled his genuine goal.


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