Chapter 63


"Impudent!" An Outer Disciple, his robes billowing with the force of his entrance, leaped onto the cool, polished marble floor, his eyes ablaze with anger as he confronted Ji Wuye. The furrowed brows and furious gaze he directed at Ji Wuye served as a visual crescendo to the escalating tension.


"You've crossed the line, Junior Brother! The second floor of Kunlun Thousand Pavilion is reserved solely for Official Disciples!" The Outer Disciple's voice, sharp and high-pitched, echoed through the cavernous space. Turning abruptly, he bowed deeply, cupping his hands in a show of respect.


"Greetings, Elders and Patriarchs. Please forgive my impulsive action, but I couldn't tolerate Junior Brother Ji's audacity. Permit me to reassess Junior Brother Ji's skills!"


The disciples, initially shocked by Ji Wuye's bold request, now found themselves further bewildered by the unexpected intervention of Outer Disciple Hao Hanying.


"Senior Hao, please temper your emotions. Let the Elders address this matter with impartiality."


"Brother Ji's boldness is commendable, but Senior Hao's actions risk tarnishing our sect's reputation. Violence only begets more violence."


"Wasn't the second floor off-limits? It seems Senior Hao has overlooked the rules in his haste."


Among the Outer Disciples, expressions of surprise and disbelief rippled through the crowd witnessing Hao Hanying's impulsive behavior.


"Denied!" Elder Xia, a figure of authority, waved his hand in a decisive manner, firmly rejecting Hao Hanying's request.


"I appreciate your warrior spirit, but this is not the arena for lawlessness." Dismissing Hao Hanying's plea with a wave of his hands, several Official Disciples moved forward, gently pulling Hao Hanying away from the elevated platform.


"Ah!" Caught off guard by the swift turn of events, Hao Hanying fiercely resisted, his protestations echoing through the hall. He hadn't anticipated the situation to escalate so abruptly. "Elders, please grant me a chance!"




To his astonishment, as soon as he uttered those words, a forceful hand struck his stomach, causing him to cough involuntarily.


"Keep your mouth shut, Junior, or don't expect mercy next time." The Official Disciple who had hauled him away issued a stern warning, silencing Hao Hanying, who still gasped for breath in the aftermath of the unexpected blow.


"Now that the disturbance has subsided, let's proceed with your request." Instead of Elder Tan, it was Elder Xia who took a step forward, squinting his eyes as he focused on Ji Wuye.


Whispers among the Elders reached Elder Xia's ears, prompting a resigned sigh. Slowly, he eased the intensity of his gaze, revealing a complex blend of emotions as he regarded Ji Wuye.


"Approved!" Elder Xia's unexpected endorsement not only sent ripples of shock among the Outer Disciples but also elicited protests from the Official Disciples who had actively participated in the evaluation and testing. Those observing from the sidelines couldn't contain their disbelief.


"How is this possible?"


"Is that Outer Disciple genuinely being granted access to the second floor of Kunlun Thousand Pavilion? This is sheer chaos!"


"The rules have been transgressed repeatedly! We demand justice!"


Discontent among the Official Disciples surfaced audibly, and some even dared to approach Elder Xia, urging him to reconsider his decision.


Little did they anticipate that out of all the Elders, it would be Elder Xia, renowned for his commitment to fairness, who would endorse what seemed like an injustice.


"It's beyond my control; it's the Patriarch's order," Elder Xia responded to the Law Enforcement Disciples who respectfully questioned his decision.


"The Patriarch..." The realization that the Patriarch had a hand in the decision prompted the law enforcement Official Disciples to excuse themselves. They spread the news, leading all Official Disciples to regard Ji Wuye with a spectrum of emotions.


"Even causing the Patriarch to intervene in this matter..."


"I never expected that Outer Disciple to possess more than just looks... It's disheartening."


Those who resisted the decision could only sigh in helplessness as they left the Central Courtyard. The Patriarch's authority was absolute, even if it seemed unjust. As Official Disciples, they had no right to challenge the leader of the Kunlun Sect.


As for why the Patriarch agreed to disregard the rules, the answers lay solely within Ji Wuye's grasp.



Amidst the unfolding events, Ji Wuye found himself utterly bewildered.


'What is this? Is it genuinely that straightforward?' he pondered silently, observing as the majority of the disciples dispersed.


The annual competition was far from its conclusion; 2nd and 1st realm disciples still awaited evaluation. If not for the imposing Tower's presence, the assessment would have continued until dawn. But now, it was postponed, affording him some solitary moments as he navigated toward the now deserted courtyard.


'No, something isn't right here,' Ji Wuye contemplated, furrowing his brow. A subtle clue had caught his attention when Elder Xia was on the verge of speaking.


At that precise moment, Elder Xia turned around, seemingly swayed by an unseen force that molded his decision...


A twitch formed at the corner of his mouth as their eyes locked...


Evidently, Elder Xia had been compelled to make this decision.


Regarding the silent Patriarch, Ji Wuye understood all too well that the man would never interfere in sect matters. He remained immersed in the martial art he had brought from the Tower.


Even in this altered timeline, everything seemed familiar, except for sudden changes in his fiancée, the premature cancellation of his engagement to Mu Lan Rou, and his unexpected request to access the second floor of Kunlun Thousand Pavilion.


The timeline had shifted, but not too far from the main events. He still secured his two-year agreement. However, what troubled him was Elder Xia's peculiar behavior.


'I thought I would have to prove myself, perhaps by engaging in battles with other Official Disciples or something,' he mused inwardly.


For instance, when Hao Hanying unexpectedly intervened, Ji Wuye had anticipated that Hao would become his opponent in determining the acceptance of his request. Naturally, Hao Hanying would have to adjust his strength to that of a 2nd realm martial artist, but Ji Wuye harbored no intention of losing this time.


However, fate had other plans.


'At this time, Master would still feel guilty about me, and he didn't have the power to challenge Elder Xia's authority,' Ji Wuye reflected.


He and Elder Tan weren't particularly close, and while Elder Tan might feel indebted to him, it wasn't enough to breach the sacred boundaries of sect rules.


After contemplating all potential scenarios, an image of a person surfaced in his mind—the same person or Elder who had aided him before.


'Is it really... no, it must be 'His' doing.' Lost in his thoughts, Ji Wuye was startled as the very person he had been pondering coincidentally materialized before him.


"Greetings, Little Brother."


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