Chapter 64


"A pity..."


From the distant high cliffs that overlooked the Kunlun Sect, a soft murmur began to swell. Clad in tattered garments, the onlookers' hopeful expressions gradually transformed into an air of disappointment.


"How is he, Senior Brother?" Another figure emerged, similarly adorned in worn-out attire, their countenance marred by dirt. A grin, marked by lingering traces of spinach, adorned the newcomer's face.


"He's lingering at the 2nd realm, and his martial prowess is rather middling. Impressively, he weathered the assaults of a 3rd realm martial artist and managed the Qi consumption akin to someone of the 3rd realm," the man with hawk-like eyes reported, exhaling deeply.


"Yet, regrettably, he remains within the confines of the second realm. His skills are commendable but not extraordinary."


Taking in the panoramic view of the entire Kunlun Sect, the individual with penetrating gazes alluded to the imminent Kunlun annual competition.


"Withstanding blows from a third realm martial artist is no trivial accomplishment. In my prime, I could deflect an attack from a 4th realm martial artist," retorted the man with the dirt-streaked face.




"Ouch!" His Senior Brother suddenly delivered a swift strike to his head, eliciting a pained groan.


"Do you comprehend now? You admitted it yourself," scoffed the man with hawk-like eyes, redirecting his attention to the expansive vista of the Kunlun Sect.


Massaging the top of his head, the man with a soiled face inquired, "Well, at least he's still respectable, isn't he?" He then shook his head contemplatively. "Will you continue instructing him? After all, it was Senior Sister's request."


In response to the query, the man with hawk-like eyes lapsed into a brief silence. His gaze expanded, scanning the scattered disciples in the Central Courtyard, eventually fixing on a figure concealed behind a tree, covertly observing the entire competition.


"Hmm... more intriguing is the one concealed over there. What could be their purpose, observing from the shadows of the trees?" The man with hawk-like eyes smirked.


"Damn, Senior Brother, I'm truly jealous! Share your secrets with me, Senior Brother!" The man with a grimy face grumbled, spitting a wad of saliva.


"How in the world did you manage to amass so many coins? I'm perpetually broke, even within the Tower!" The man with the dirty face, noticing his Senior Brother's smirk as he surveyed the entire Kunlun Sect, loudly voiced his complaint once again.


The man with hawk-like eyes remained stoic, offering no retort to his Junior's outburst.


Both had entered the Tower simultaneously, yet his Senior Brother had somehow accumulated thrice the number of coins compared to him.


The consequence? His Senior Brother now possessed an extraordinary skill, capable of spotting an approaching army from a considerable distance. Such remarkable abilities, in the absence of the Tower, would be deemed unparalleled.


"Silence! Move quickly before the quarry eludes us!" Despite his Junior's ongoing grievances, the man with hawk-like eyes chastised.


"Aye! But could you at least enlighten me about the identity of our target?" His Junior inquired, only to see his Senior Brother turn around with a sinister smile, exposing a gap where a tooth was conspicuously absent.


"A colossal fish, hehehe. Armed with this intel, we might ascend in rank."



In that moment, the man they had previously pinpointed, the robust figure, began to recede into the background as the competition reached its conclusion.




Abruptly, a few individuals materialized before him, genuflecting on the ground with bowed heads.


"He's nothing compared to Senior Sister, merely a verbose individual with little substance. I hold no expectations for him," the muscular man grumbled disdainfully, remaining ensconced within the shadows.


"Should we strike him off the list, then?" inquired the two kneeling men.


"Yes, he's lost his value with his restricted potential. Keeping him around only tarnishes the effectiveness of our mission and makes us appear inept in his presence. Besides, the master will be joining us shortly," the muscular man declared, clicking his tongue in irritation.


Coincidentally, a warm silver radiance infiltrated their shadows, unveiling that the dark martial attire of the two kneeling men featured red stripes, while the muscular man donned a white flowing martial robe adorned with dark yellow stripes.


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